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More Shrek Pictures

I hope you’ll humor me with a few more Shrek the Musical pictures today.  🙂

The kids have completed 8 performances already, and have 3 more next weekend.  After the first four performances, which we for school groups, we lost one of our leads.  He was replaced by a young man who spent an hour that afternoon rehearsing the part.  (He has done an incredible job, by the way!) When we arrived at the theater an hour before curtain, my son was moved into an additional role and now has a solo and duet on stage!  It was a bit nerve-wracking for him to do it for real for the first time in front of an audience, but he did it!  So proud of him.  🙂

We had wonderful crowds this past weekend, and I am pretty sure they will sell out next weekend.  So, don’t plan on buying your tickets at the door.  Order them now!

Here’s his new role: King Harold, little Fiona’s father, who sends her off to a tower to be guarded by a fire-breathing dragon.  (So she can someday be rescued by her “true love.”)

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Here he is as a crazy knight who sings back up for the dragon, while locked in stocks!

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My daughter is in the yellow shirt.

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The puppets:  Pinocchio and the Marionettes

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Here’s Shrek and the Rat Tappers.  I just love the tap dance they do!

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Daddy and daughter.

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The three kids in the Green Room.

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