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Book Review: The Sparrow Found a House



I haven’t had the opportunity to read the book The Sparrow Found a House by Jason McIntire yet, but it sounds great, so I wanted to share the book with you.
The Sparrow Found A House is a Christian novel targeted toward young adults, but advertised to be suitable for all ages. The author is a 2005 homeschool graduate, and homeschooling plays a major role in the story.


Synopsis from the back of the book:

Fifteen-year-old Jessie Rivera is living every teenager’s nightmare. Her widowed mom has married a man who wears his heavy Christian values like his sergeant’s stripes – on both sleeves.
Glenn Sparrow is persistent, immovable, and not afraid to be firm. Worse than that, he’s loving, kind – even fun – and he has Chris, Moe, and Katie completely won over.
But Jessie is determined that she won’t be won over, or give up her “freedom” without a fight. She knows what she wants, and it isn’t what they’ve got.
Or is it?

Reviewers have used phrases such as “realistic,” “true to life,” “believable,” and “hard-hitting but understandable” to describe The Sparrow Found A House. All seem to agree that it’s a little different from most Christian fiction.



(Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. Thank you so much for hostessing the link party (again). I so look forward to Thursdays and following up on the shared links!

    1. Your’re welcome! I also look forward to seeing what everyone is posting.

  3. Kayla RIce says:

    My son does but my daughter does not! This would be perfect!

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