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How it went this week

Well, I’ve had my ups and downs this week.  I think that the check-off chart helped me focus and accomplish more than we would have.  Many of the things we do for homeschooling don’t take much time (such as a phonics lesson).  It just takes some organization and encourgement.    So I pushed myself a little on some days, just so I could put another check mark on the chart!


Today we had art day.  We had been praying this week for a missionary friend we know who is getting closer to getting full support to go to Ghana with HCJB.  (If you need a missionary to support, please let me know.  She only needs 20% more to go!)  So, we made cards for her.  Then we mixed up some play-dough.  (I’ll put the recipe on another post.)  And they all had a ball with it!  Even my little 22 month-old.  I think it was her first time to do play-dough.  She did eat a little, but then realized pretty quick not to do that!


The kids are done with gymnastics and are now in swimming lessons.  It’s only for the boys, since my 3 yo needs to be 3 1/2.    I’m glad that the lessons are in the afternoon instead of the morning.  I really need the mornings to focus on our  "school-work"


We had our Small Group back at our house this week.  It’s so nice to have them back.  We stopped meeting here last October right before the baby was born.  Then we had the issues with my mom in November and December.  They are such a wonderful and encouraging group.  We are studying Ephesians and have an awesome singing and prayer time also.


One goal I have for next week is to put some things up on our timeline.  I put it up in our hallway upstairs last October, but all it has on it are the dates!  Now that we’re done with gymnastics on Tuesday mornings, we’ll be heading back to the library and load up on science books, math books and biographies.  I’m also going to start riding my exercise bike.  I think it’ll work if I read aloud while I’m riding.  And the kids can play quietly while I’m reading (and riding).


Play-dough Pictures:


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