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How to Successfully Plan a Homeschool Graduation Ceremony & Party with Printable Pack and Graduation Brownies Recipe

Eighteen years have flown by, and it’s time. Time for my oldest to graduate from high school! He was homeschooled through freshman year of high school, and then went to public school. My second son is also graduating this year (a year early), and he was homeschooled the whole way through, including classes at the community college this year. The date is set, and now it’s time to plan the homeschool graduation ceremony for my second and the graduation party for both. So, today I’m sharing how to successfully plan a homeschool graduation ceremony and party. See below for a printable planning pack and recipe for graduation brownies!

Homeschool Graduation Ceremony. Includes a printable planning pack and graduation brownie recipe #graduation #graduationparty #homeschoolgraduation #homeschoolhighschool #ichoosejoyblog

How to Plan the Graduation Ceremony

Here are some things to plan for the graduation ceremony:

  • Date, location, and time
  • Combining with others or alone?
  • Who will speak and for how long?
  • Special music?
  • Order cap and gown
  • Order diploma
  • Seating
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Where to order homeschool diploma and cap & gown

Here are a couple of options:


Homeschool Graduation Ceremony. Includes a printable planning pack and graduation brownie recipe #graduation #graduationparty #homeschoolgraduation #homeschoolhighschool #ichoosejoyblog

How to Plan the Graduation Party

Much more details are in the planning pack, including time deadlines and lots of lists. But, here are a few decisions you’ll need to make. (After we have our party, I’ll be back to post pictures of what we did!)

  1. Pick a date, location, and time
  2. Guest list and invitations (including getting senior photos taken for the invitations )
  3. Food (make it, cater, or a mixture?)
  4. Entertainment (outdoor games, karaoke, band, DJ?)
  5. Extras such as decorations, things to buy or borrow, and making slide show/photo collage

25-page printable pack to guide you through all your graduation party planning details. #graduation #graduationparty #partyplanning #partyguide #ichoosejoyblog

Graduation Open House and Party Planning Guide

This 25-page printable pack guides you from a few months before the party all the way to the final hours to make sure you have everything ready. Find check-off lists, charts, to-do lists, guest lists, shopping lists, etc.

Purchase the 25-Page Graduation Open House and Party Planning Guide for only $4!

Purchase it here!


Or, get a 3-page sample of the

Graduation Open House and Party Planning Guide

for FREE here:

25-page printable pack to guide you through all your graduation party planning details. #graduation #graduationparty #partyplanning #partyguide #ichoosejoyblog

A Beautiful & Meaningful Song for Graduation!

Graduation Brownie Recipe

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide.

Ingredients for Graduation Brownies

  • 12 brownies from your favorite recipe or boxed mix
  • 1 (16-ounce) container milk chocolate frosting or your favorite brownie icing
  • Wilton Emoji Icing Decorations 
  • Hershey’s Chocolate Candy Bars (Pictured: Hershey’s Snack Size Milk Chocolate Candy Bars, 5.84 Oz., 12 Count)
  • ¼ cup milk chocolate morsels
  • 12 miniature marshmallows

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide.


  • Bake brownies with your favorite mix or recipe. Cool, and cut brownies into squares.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies


  • Melt the chocolate in the microwave according to package directions giving special care not to overheat the candy. If the chocolate is overheated, it will be too thick. You can add 2 teaspoons of vegetable shortening or coconut oil to help thin the chocolate but do not add any other type of liquid as the candy will seize and harden.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

  • Cut Hershey’s chocolate bars into squares.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

  • Dip each emoji icing decoration into the melted chocolate and place against a square of chocolate. Allow chocolate to set completely before proceeding to next step.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

  • Remove lid and foil seal from frosting container. Place in microwave and melt on high for 30 seconds. Stir well. Repeat if needed.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

  • Pour melted frosting over brownies. Immediately press faces into the corner of the brownie.

  • Press each marshmallow against a hard surface covered with waxed paper, rolling to flatten. Place flattened marshmallow on brownie.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide. #graduation #homeschool #homeschoolhighschool #graduationparty #brownies

  • Allow the chocolate to set completely before serving.

Graduation Brownie Recipe for your graduation party or graduation open house celebration. Post also includes a graduation open house and party planning guide.

What plans do you have for your homeschool high school graduation ceremony and party? Please comment below to share!

By the way, my friends at 7Sisters have tips for having your homeschool high school graduation during Covid.

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