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I Choose Joy! 6-Week Fitness Challenge #1, Week 2



How did you do last week?  Did you exercise 4 times?  I didn’t.  Yes, it’s true.  The first week of the challenge, and I already didn’t reach the goal,  I got sick with a bad cold on Friday and missed a couple of days,  so, from now on I will concentrate on getting more workouts in during the earlier part of the week!

One thing I did do was take a couple of long walks.  It was very enjoyable to get outside and walk in the beautiful fall weather.  The first walk was with my oldest daughter, and the second with my husband.

I did one T-Tapp workout and want to definitely do more next week when I’m well from this nasty cold.

I’ve been posting different tips, questions, etc. at my Facebook page.  Please join us there!

Here’s a recap of our 6-week fitness challenge:  Are you ready to lose some inches and get healthier before the holidays?  I am!  My goal is to lose 1-2 sizes by November 12.

We’re going to keep each other accountable and encourage each other to keep at it by linking up here each Monday.  I know I need the challenge spirit to keep me motivated. Exercising is not my favorite thing to do!  Link up your blog post telling us how you did the previous week.   I’ll share how I did, as well as highlighting a few of you!

If you don’t have a blog, no problem!  Just leave a comment here each Monday telling us how you did.

(Also, if you missed the start date, join in with us at any time!)

The rules:

1.  Choose any exercise program and do it 4 times each week for 6 weeks (starting Monday, October 1 and ending Monday, November 12.).  Examples of an exercise program are a DVD, gym, class, a 30-minute walk, etc.  I’ll be doing  T-Tapp, of course!   I want the most benefits for the least amount of time invested.  🙂  (Notice, I didn’t say the least amount of effort.)

2.  Link up your blog posts each Monday with a report on what and how you did during the previous week (how many work-outs, any inches or pounds lost, benefits to your health).  If you don’t have a blog, just leave a comment.

3.  Bonus–Add a new healthy habit each week, such as drinking more water, eating more fresh vegetables, getting 10,000 steps with a pedometer, etc.

4.  Please follow I Choose Joy! (see sidebar) so that I can remind you to come back here each week to link up your update.  Also, please leave a link back here so others can join us! I’ll be posting on my Facebook page throughout the weeks to keep us all motivated — so be sure to Like I Choose Joy! (link in sidebar).

5.  I’ll have a couple of prizes to give away at the end of the challenge!

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  1. I worked out each week-day last week. THANK YOU for the motivation! I’ve been doing T-Tapp “try before your buy” videos. I am really enjoying them so far! I’ll probably buy a DVD soon (I’ll remember to use your affiliate link!)

    1. Great work, Amy! And thanks for using my affiliate link if you decide to buy some T-Tapp!

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