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I Choose Joy

I Choose Joy!

I decided to title my blog “I Choose Joy.”  Why?  Because sometimes joy does not come naturally to me in this crazy household!  I have to choose to be joyful each day.  (Other times it comes very naturally, though.  My kids are folding clothes right now, and my 2-year-old M has changed clothes about 10 times already!  She is a very funny girl.)



Nehemiah 8:10 says “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”  I need strength, so I will choose to be joyful everyday!



How?  Here are a couple of ways.  I sing a song or put on a CD and dance.  I stop what I’m doing and watch the kids.  After about 5 minutes, they will always do something that will make me smile and laugh.  I count my blessings.  God has done so much for us; if I recognize it and acknowledge it, I can’t help but feel joyful.



Why did I write this entry?  So that I’ll be able to remind myself the next time I let discontentment enter my life!



What are some other things that some of you do to cultivate joy?

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One Comment

  1. The very same reason I named my blog, My Joy-Filled Life! I wanted to proclaim that over my life because it’s so easy to loose our joy.

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