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I’m Back!

My computer crashed in December, so I’ve been gone a while!   But I’m back online now and trying to get caught up.  First, I am so grateful that I had Carbonite to back up everything on our computer.  It’s an offsite (through a website) back-up system that automatically backs up all files.  You set it up once and it works silently from then on.  I have just had all my photos restored.  It’s still working on getting my documents and music transferred.  I’m so glad I didn’t lose anything!  Next, I’ll post a referral link in case you want to sign up, too.

I am way behind in posting pictures.  We’ve had 3 kids’ birthdays!  And Christmas, too!  I’ll try to get to it all in the next week.

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One Comment

  1. nathanatBJU says:

    That's really neat (number seven due in July), my nineth sibling is due in July. 🙂

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