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Joining FlyLady

After years of consideration, I’m finally joining FlyLady!  I need to learn how to clean more effectively and not save it all up for a “big” cleaning.  I tried to start with the Beginner Steps yesterday but wasn’t able to get all the dirty dishes out of the sink in order to clean it!  (Sometimes, it would really be nice to have 2 dishwashers.)  So, I’ll start with the sink-cleaning tonight.  Why don’t you join me and let me know how it’s going for you?  Join Flylady here (it’s free!).

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Here is something that was sent in an email from the FlyLady ladies:

“Perfectionism is when we decide that we can’t do something because we
won’t have the time to do it “perfectly”. This is why FlyLady tells
you that “you are never behind – jump in where you are” and that
“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family”. We can’t allow
ourselves to get caught up in the thinking that we just don’t have
time therefore we will do nothing. In all actuality if we spent the
amount of time we do worrying and complaining about what we need to
do, doing something we would not feel as overwhelmed and behind that
we do. The stinking thinking that we just can’t do something because
we don’t have time to do it the “right” way keeps our homes and lives
in clutter and CHAOS.”

They define CHAOS as “Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome.”  I’ve never quite been to that point, but I do get very stressed out trying to get the house ready when people are coming over.  If it could always be ready, that would be awesome!  I’m also considering using Friday mornings as an extra chore day–to clean the bathrooms, vacuum bedrooms, and the other things we don’t do daily, but need to be done weekly.  I’m going to re-read “Managers of Their Chores” by Teri Maxwell and get our house in shape!  Of course, that would mean we do more schooling on the other 4 days of the week and less on Friday.  However, the “life skills” of cleaning and organizing are extremely important to learn.

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