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Journaling Bible: Day 1 of “6 Days of New Year’s Resolutions”

New Year's Resolutions Journaling Bible

Today is Day 1 of “6 Days of New Year’s Resolutions.” I’m going to share with you my New Year’s Resolutions and the resources I’m using to achieve them. I’ve lived long enough to know that my goals won’t be perfectly met and that I won’t do the daily ones every single day. But that’s not a good enough reason not to try!


Today’s goal is to read the Bible daily and to get closer to God through it. I recently got a Journaling Bible and I love it! It’s in my favorite ESV version (English Standard Version), has a pretty blue flowered cloth cover, is hardback, and has a great cardboard case to keep it nice and safe. It also has a ribbon bookmark.


What’s great about the Journaling Bible is that there are wide blank margins on every page where you can journal about what you’re reading. I started in the New Testament a couple of days ago and want to read straight through it, journaling right in the Bible as I read each day. I’m not going to follow a specific reading plan. I’m just going to focus on reading about a chapter a day, reading more or less than that depending on how much time I have.


I want to feel free and good about reading God’s Word and not constrained by a reading plan. I also love that all I need are two items: the Journaling Bible and a pen, and not another notebook, devotional book, or journal (although I have really enjoyed using those other items in the past!)


I’d like to get better at sketching and drawing as well. I’m going to give it a try. I might even add some colored pencils to decorate it!

Do you have a favorite way to get into God’s Word each day? Share in the comments your best Bible, devotional, prayer journal, or other item in the comments!

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Love this, Gena! I’ve been thinking about getting a Journalling Bible! Mostly because I’m running out of margins for all my notes. 🙂 I love seeing other people’s artistic designs, but I’m probably going to be a boring person and just take down my notes. 😉

  2. I think journaling Bibles are great tools to use tin order to help stick to a Bible reading plan. Thank you so much for sharing this!

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