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What Every Tired Mom Ought to Know About Homemaking

Today is the first day of “5 Days of Homemaking Tips for Tired Moms” because I don’t know about you, but I am tired! Here is what every tired Mom ought to know about Homemaking.

What every tired Mom ought to know about homemaking

You know, I didn’t just become tired recently. I was tired in college–because I was so busy. And, I was tired when I got my first job–because I worked so much. And, I was tired when I first got married–because I was working a full-time job and going to graduate school. And, I think it’s obvious that I was tired when I first became a mom.

We moved into our first home when my first baby was eleven days old. I was in a new town, a new state even! And, it was in the dead of winter in Chicagoland. He was a tough baby, sleeping very little and nursing a lot. I was no longer teaching as a career and now had to figure out this stay-at-home mom and homemaking thing. It was very tough.

But, it didn’t take me long to figure out the number one tip that every tired Mom ought to know about homemaking: Things will go better if you Make a Plan!

Make A Plan

I needed to be very intentional about what I was going to do. What needed to be cleaned and when? What needed to be cooked? What needed to be purchased? What needed to be paid and when? What needed to be organized?

When I made a plan, things became much more manageable. I could see that a little progress was being made every day. Even if it was very LITTLE progress, it was still a step in the right direction. 🙂

Because I had a plan, I was able to space out the chores. For example, I knew that on grocery shopping day, there was no way I’d have the energy to vacuum the whole house. And, the plan kept me from missing bills I needed to pay (and then having to pay a late fee) or forgetting to make appointments.

Now, I’m a mom of 8 kids ages 17 down to 5. I homeschool 7 of them, have a part-time job, and run an online business. I am still very tired! But, making a plan makes everything work better.

5 Days of Homemaking Tips for Tired Moms

Join me each day this week as I share a new homemaking tip for tired moms:

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