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Kohl Children’s Museum

We went on another field trip this week (and again using free coupons!).  It was to the Kohl Children’s Museum.  I’ll let the pictures tell the story.

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  1. Thanks for posting your schedule on my blog. Awesome plan!!! Also, thanks for offering help with the lapbook. I also got Answers In Genesis book on the human body to accompany the HOC lapbook study. It looks good. Should be a great second session.

    Have a great rest-of-the-weekend.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi! How funny that I stumbled upon your blog as I was searching the internet for Kohls Children's Museum coupons! So first, I am curious how you got free admission? Secondly, I had no idea that there was such thing as homeschoolblogger. I've been debating with my husband over homeschooling (my mother homeschooled all 8 of her children at least up to highschool). It's exciting to see a community of bloggers. Your children look happy (in this post at least) and I'm sure you're doing a great job–I know I loved all the field trips we went on!



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