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The More I Learn about This Homemaking Task, the More Amazed I Am

Today is Day #3 of “5 Days of Homemaking Tips for Tired Moms.” The more I learn about this Homemaking task, the more amazed I am. What is it? Decluttering!

The More I Learn about This Homemaking Task, the More Amazed I Am

Have you heard about it? I started hearing about decluttering a few years ago and thought, “What’s the big deal?” There were ebooks written about it, courses you could take, videos produced. I just couldn’t figure out why.

But, now I get it.

Decluttering is simply getting rid of things you don’t need in your home anymore. And, it provides so many benefits for you, your family, and your home.

Why I’m Amazed

Decluttering produces all the following:

  • Gives you an instant “Ahhh” feeling because things look more open.
  • Provides “Instant Whitespace” as Tsh Oxenreider puts it.
  • Allows less ability for things to get messy in the house.
  • There is less to dust.
  • There is less to move around as you’re wiping a countertop or table.
  • Allows for quicker cleaning.
  • It’s easier for kids to clean.
  • Encourages your to practice hospitality more often since the house is cleaner.
  • You will bless others with things you don’t need anymore.
  • You can even make money by reselling things that you declutter!

How to Declutter

There are numerous methods for going about decluttering. Did you know that? There isn’t just one way to do it! Here are a couple of options.

  1. Get boxes and label them “give away,” “throw away,” “put away,” and “sell.” Take everything out of a closet (or a drawer, or a room) and put each item in a box.
  2. Set the timer for 15 minutes and declutter one spot.
  3. Pick the area of your home that is causing the most frustration and start there.
  4. Declutter 100 items before you leave the house next.
  5. Choose one room per month to focus on.
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