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The Quick Way to Become a Homemaking Pro

We’ve made it to Day #4 of 5 Days of Homemaking Tips for Tired Moms. I’m so excited to share the Quick Way to Become a Homemaking Pro. How is that possible, you ask? The quickest way to become a homemaking pro is to just focus on adding one new skill each week.

The Quick Way to Become a Homemaking Pro. Do this and you'll improve each week! From I Choose Joy!

Add One Skill Per Week

I have made the mistake, maybe you have, too, of trying to do too much at one time. For example, a few times I decided to learn to cook a bunch of new meals. I collected the recipes and went shopping for all the ingredients. But, then life happened when the week started and I didn’t get most of those meals cooked. Making a new recipe is a big investment of energy for me, so on certain crazy days, if it isn’t an easy and familiar meal to make, it won’t happen. Needless to say, we ate a lot of cereal and peanut butter sandwiches that week.

However, if I had simply chosen to make one new recipe that week and five that I already knew how to cook, we would have had a meal each night. And, then in a month or two, I would have all those new meals to add to my rotation!

The same can happen with any other homemaking skill that doesn’t come naturally to you.

"Homemaking is easy. I've got it all under control. Said no woman, ever." Do this, though, and you'll be on your way to becoming a homemaking pro!

Skills to Learn to Become a Homemaking Pro

What are some of the skills you’d like to add to your homemaking repertoire?

  • Speed-cleaning your house?
  • Decluttering as a daily habit?
  • Making bread from scratch?
  • Bible journaling?
  • Needlepoint?

Make a list and schedule one a week. If it’s a more difficult task (like learning to quilt), maybe you’ll spend a whole month or a whole season on that one task to learn all the ins and outs of it.

As you keep adding these skills, you’ll grow. Yes, you’ll be on your way to becoming a homemaking pro!

5 Days of Homemaking Tips for Tired Moms

Join me each day this week as I share a new homemaking tip for tired moms.

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