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Les Miserables

My husband and I had a fun date last Sunday evening.  We went to see the musical "Les Miserables" at a small theater in the round.  It was actually not just us, but his brother and wife and mom and dad (my in-laws), too.  Afterward we went to dinner at a very nice restaurant.  I’ve seen the musical a couple of times before about 10 years ago.  But this time I decided to read the book.  I want to see what’s different and left out of the musical.  And I’m curious about how the Christian message is portrayed.  I’m about 30 pages into the 1500 page book.  My husband and kids keep saying that there’s no way I’ll finish such a long book, so I’m taking the challenge!  I’ll let you know when I’m done!

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  1. REInvestor says:

    It is a great book.

    Glad to hear you are well and enjoying the musuems.

  2. I remember driving down to Austin with you freshman year to see Les Mis. I think we flirted with some boys on the way. To this day, Les Mis is one of my favorite musicals ever. Because of the story and the music, not the boys on the road.

  3. Hmmm–isn't it interesting how people can remember things differently? I thought that trip was our sophomore year and that we saw "Miss Saigon" and I don't remember any boys!


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