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Missionary Stories With the Millers

Missionary Stories with the...Shop on Amazon

We just finished reading (again) a wonderful book called "Missionary Stories With the Millers" by Mildred A. Martin.  I heartily recommend it!  It’s a collection of stories of some of the most amazing God-fearing missionaries around the world.  The stories are exciting even for boys! (My 8 yo would say, "Could you please read the next one, too, Mom?"  We read a chapter of this book every morning during our morning Bible Time.  And I have to tell you–I cried at almost every story!  I love how each story begins with a map so we could locate where the event took place.  Here are some of the missionaries featured:  Jim Elliot, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, and Amy Carmichael.  There are 29 stories in all.

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One Comment

  1. MichelleL says:

    It has been on my want list for a while…

    I worried though that the content might upset the kids. Now that they are older we may try it.

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