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More than I can handle

Have you ever heard the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”?  In the past I probably would have believed this statement.  It sounds good and right.  But after having 4 children in 4 years (and soon-to-be 5 children in 5 years) I now know that God sometimes does give more than we can handle–and for good reason.  Otherwise, I would not lean on Him and trust Him as He wants me to.



When people see me with my four little ones I often hear them say things like, “Well,  you are so patient, you can handle having a big family.”  Or “You have the nature for it.”  They don’t know me!!  I grew up very independent and strong-willed, also with quite a bit of feminist and liberal leanings when it comes to children, family, career, relationship with husband, etc.  God has changed my heart immensely in the last ten years.  I am so grateful He has been patient with me as I learn how to let Him decide the size of our family and to be content and competent as a keeper at home (as it says in Titus 2:4-5).  No, I am not patient by nature but daily the Lord is growing me.  Thank you, Lord!

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  1. ClassicalHomeSchool says:

    Gena, I am enjoying reading your entries! 🙂

    I too was not a patient person by nature, but have come a long way by the grace of God! I still have a ways to go…but I’m always ‘growing’. 🙂

  2. Hi Gena,

    Congratulations on all your little ones. I had seven in seven years, my current babies are 10 month old twins. I can relate to your entry, I too am not a patient person by nature, it’s funny God chooses us who are maybe not naturally gracious to shine His glory on to others. I can not take pride because I know my life as a wife and mother is not about my “skills and talents”, but by God’s grace alone.

    Jessica Danis

    Silly Goose Farm, VT

  3. REInvestor says:

    And if they make those kind of comments they can they escape having to deal with God about their own choices. So often those kind of statements are cop-outs IMHO.

  4. BarbaraFrank says:

    Woohoo—a new baby on the way! I am very happy for you 🙂

    Glad to hear you got to go to the convention with your dh. It sure is a lot easier to talk when you get out by yourselves, isn’t it? We used to say we hadn’t had an uninterrupted conversation since 1983, but these days it’s a lot easier than it used to be. In fact, sometimes we actually talk about something besides the kids, lol!

    Take care,


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