My 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule (with Verses of the Year free printables)
School starts in a week for us! I’m finally feeling like I’m almost ready. 🙂 Today I’m happy to share our 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule, I’ve also included some verses of the year that I’ve made into free printables to share with you!
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.
I am now homeschooling all 8 of my children, for the first time ever. My youngest is 3 and is in preschool, and my oldest is 14 and is in 9th grade.
It’s most definitely our most complicated year yet. I’m still combining as much curriculum with as many kids as possible, but I’ve found that there is so much more that’s unique to certain kids this year. So I just have to
Keep Calm and Homeschool On!
Our Homeschool Curriculum:
Many of the links below are affiliate links.
B (9th grade): (See more details at my post on Preparing to Homeschool Ninth Grade- Our Curriculum Choices.)
- Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra I
- Science: Apologia Biology
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history, including discussion time at Fellowship Group
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature, including discussion time at Fellowship Group
- Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing: Tapestry of Grace and Write for Life
Volume One: Writing the Research Paper by Karen Lange
- Other ideas to choose from if we have time: Greek Morphemes, IEW-The Institute for Excellence in Writing, Unlock the Secrets of Compare-and-Contrast Writing by Writing With Sharon, Creative Freewriting Adventure by Homeschool Adventure Co.
- German: Middlebury Interactive Languages
- Bible: Tapestry of Grace
- If we have time: Teen Prasso Bible Study, The Picture Smart Bible
- Government: Choosing from: TeenPact, Mother, Should I Trust the Government For You They Signed by Marilyn Boyer, A Journey in Liberty by Knowledge Quest, and We the People: Getting to Know Your Constitution by Homeschool Legacy.
- Economics: Simply Put: A Study of Economics by Catherine Jaime (in the summer)
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Music: private violin lessons (1st semester), private voice lessons (2nd semester) and Project Voice class, private guitar lessons
- Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater
- Physical Education: Dance with Spotlight Youth Theater (1st semester)
- Health: Family Time Fitness’s Homeschool High School program (in summer)
- Volunteer: worship team at church and youth group, HYPE through Spotlight (high school service team), graphics at church, Spotlight summer intern at camp
J (8th grade):
- Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra
- Science: Apologia Biology
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history, including discussion time at Fellowship Group
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature, including discussion time at Fellowship Group
- Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace and Cover Story
- Bible: Tapestry of Grace, The Picture Smart Bible
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Music: Private violin lessons, Private piano lessons
- Theater: Classes and Musicals (working backstage) through Spotlight Youth Theater
- Art: Meet the Masters at our homeschool co-op
- Volunteer: worship team at church and youth group
M (6th grade):
- Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 7
- Science: Apologia Botany and Zoology 1
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature
- Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace and Cover Story
- Spelling: IEW Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B
- Bible: The Picture Smart Bible, I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God, Bible reading
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Art: Meet the Masters at our homeschool co-op
- Spanish: Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids
- Music: Private violin lessons, Private piano lessons
- Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater
R (4th grade):
- Math: Math-U-See Beta and Gamma
- Science: Apologia Botany and Zoology 1
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient History
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature
- Grammar and Writing: IEW Bible Heroes and Grammar Galaxy (with workbook)
- All About Reading Level 3 & 4 and All About Spelling Levels 2-4
- Handwriting Without Tears and copywork
- Bible: The Picture Smart Bible, I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God, Bible reading
- Spanish: Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids
- Art: Meet the Masters at our homeschool co-op
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Music: Private piano lessons
- Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater
T (3rd grade):
- Math: Math-U-See Gamma and Delta or CTC Math
- Science: Apologia Botany and Zoology 1
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature
- Grammar and Writing: IEW Bible Heroes and Grammar Galaxy (with workbook)
- Spelling: Spelling You See
- Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears and copywork
- Bible: The Picture Smart Bible, I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God, Bible reading
- Art: Meet the Masters, though our co-op
- Spanish: Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Music: Private violin lessons, Private piano lessons
- Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater
L (6 years/ 2nd grade):
- Math: CTC Math
- Science: Apologia Botany and Zoology 1
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature
- Grammar and Writing: IEW Bible Heroes and Grammar Galaxy (with workbook)
- Spelling: Spelling You See
- Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears and copywork
- Bible: The Picture Smart Bible, I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God, Bible reading
- Spanish: Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids
- Art: Meet the Masters at our co-op*
- Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class
- Music: Private violin lessons and private piano lessons
- Theater: Classes through Spotlight Youth Theater
I (5 years/ Kindergarten):
Phonics: Alpha-Phonics: A Primer For Beginning Readers
- Science: Apologia Botany and Zoology 1
- History: Tapestry of Grace Ancient history
- Literature: Tapestry of Grace Ancient literature
- Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears
- Bible: The Picture Smart Bible, I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God, Bible reading
- Spanish: Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids
E (3 years/ Preschool):
- Early childhood music and movement class at our Tapestry co-op
- Tapestry of Grace co-op preschool class
- Listening in on read-alouds
- Various printables I have already in my computer, like those from my Premium Membership at Meet Penny
Other Activities for various kids throughout the year:
- Swim Lessons
- Worldview Academy
- Speech and Debate tournaments
- Piano recital, competition, festival, and theory exam
- Violin recital
Our Homeschool Schedule:
- 6:00 Mom gets up, Quiet Time, shower, exercise
- 7:15 Kids up, get ready, eat breakfast, morning chores
- 8:00-9:00 Couch Time for elementary and preschool kids (Choose from: Bible, Literature, Memory Work with Classical Conversations Foundations Resource CD for Cycle 1, History, Science, Spanish, ICC practice speeches. Not every subject every day!)
- 9:00-10:00 Reading and Spelling lessons with R (has dyslexia and needs extra one-on-one time) and phonics lesssons with I
- 10:00-11:30 Help kids with individual work (math, writing, handwriting, grammar, etc.)
- 11:30-12:30 Lunch Break and lunch chores (Mom does emails, phone calls, bills, Periscope broadcast on Mondays)
- 12:30-1:30 Help kids with individual work
- 1:30-4:30 Mom’s computer work time (blogging, product creation). Older kids continue school-work until finished
- 4:30-5:30 Afternoon chores and dinner prep
- 5:30 Dinner and dinner chores
Changes to schedule:
- Monday: ICC from 12:15-4:00
- Tuesday: Piano from 9:30-12, Spotlight Youth Theater at 4:45
- Wednesday: Tapestry co-op from 9:30-12, Art from 1-2
- Thursday: Violin lessons from 9:30-12, Spotlight Youth Theater at 5:45
- Friday: Piano from 1:00-2:30
Our Homeschool Verses of the Year:
The homeschool verse of the year for Mom is James 1:19-20 ” Be quick to hear, slow to speak , slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Can you take a guess why I picked that verse for myself? 🙂
And for the kids I chose Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
You can download nice PDF files of both of these printables to put up in your home!
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I love the verses you picked. I’ve only been homeschooling for 3 weeks and already I feel you with the “slow to anger” bit. 🙂
I’m definitely right there with you, Melanie. I’ve also started reading the Unglued Devotional along with the book of James every morning. This morning’s lesson was on getting God’s Word in us so we can use His power when we need self control.
Wow, you have a huge job but you seemed to have it all planned out. The scriptures printables you made are beautiful and whole great meaning.
Thanks, Mary. I do have it all planned out. It’s the implementation that is more of the challenge! Glad you like the Scripture printables. 🙂
Let me start with saying you’re my hero!!! I admire your organizational skills (something I am lacking in). I love the idea of giving away printable downloads I will be snagging mine for sure.
I have a son with special needs who would greatly benefit from a fabulously structured day like this. Unfortunately I am a single mom so everything I do put into play isn’t reinforced while I’m at work. But you’ve inspired me to put together a schedule and post it for him as a way to help him stay on task. I have been blessed by your blog.
Dear Michelle, you are my hero! Single moms have such challenges. My mom was one. Yes, most definitely make and post a schedule. It helps everyone stay on task. I’ll be praying for you.
I will have a preschooler and a pre-K kiddo this year. Even through they will be going to a traditional preschool for two mornings a week, I plan on using the God’s Little Explorers curriculum with them the other mornings. Sounds like you have quite the schedule yourself! Best wishes for a great new school year!
Dear Victoria, have fun with your preschoolers this year! I so much want to do something more with mine. I can’t believe she’s my last pre-k kid! I also have Gods Little Explorers, so I’ll look at that and see if we can fit it in.
What a wealth of information. I admire you all who homeschool with intention. I have a niece who does and I love seeing all her methods. I just prayed God would give you a smooth start to your year.
Thank you so much for the prayer, Pamela!
This is such a great compilation of information. You are great at organizing all this. Love all the printables!
Thank you, Jonathan!
This is an incredible resource! I don’t homeschool but I have a friend who’s just starting to and I shared your site with her (she’s also a fellow blogger)!
Thank you for posting this! I love how structured your days are. This is our first year homeschooling and I keep adjusting our schedule, because I just haven’t found our groove yet. Can I ask how you manage to fit in chores/errands? This is what throws me off so much – I miss having a clean house! Thanks!
This is amazing. I have only two kids now but my husband and I are hoping to have a large family like yours. We are also planning on homeschooling. My oldest is 3 so I am preparing now but have not actually begun any formal homeschooling. I am so impressed with how well organized and planned you are. I am not worried about homeschooling 2 or 3 kids but I get nervous when I think about 6 or more kids at once. Your post makes it seem so simple but I know life with 8 kids is not simple and calm. Your joy in the Lord is encouraging and gives me hope that God will make me as organized as you are when I need to me. Thanks for your post!
I was really nervous when I had just littles as well. What encouraged me knowing that others had done it before me, so I knew that I could do it to!
Hi!!! I’m amazed by your schedule for homeschool and have so many questions. I’m starting 3rd and 9th grade this fall. This will be my first year and I’m so overwhelmed by all of the options for curiculum.
I want the very best for them!! I was looking at IEW bible Herod but see that it’s only for Ktbrough 2 but you seemed to use it for your 3rd grader? Curious how that worked out?
Prayers for your decisions, Tiana! If you haven’t used IEW with your 3rd grader before, then using Bible Heroes would be fine. You might just leave out some of the games that might seem a bit childish. But the actual lessons are great for that age!
Can you tell me a bit about the Institute for Cultural Communication? I visited their site, but it doesn’t give a lot of information on the nature of their training unless you subscribe…
Your schedule makes me tired lol. We are pregnant with our 5th, oldest is turning 10 and I already find it so busy homeschooling. And we don’t do private lessons for music and such…. I don’t know how people can do so much running around!
I’m tired, too, Alicia! It did get a tad better when I was no longer pregnant or nursing. 🙂 And my kids are old enough to help with a lot of the house chores now. But I do get really tired of all the driving here and there. Several of our teachers come to our house, so that helps.
Institute for Cultural Communicators: It’s easiest to do if you join a chapter. I think they have someplace where you can search for one in your area. If there isn’t one nearby, you can start one! They give lots of training. At the chapter meetings (every week or twice a month), you meet together to present the speeches you worked on, get feedback and mentoring (from adults and/or student leaders), and do group activities. You’ll also go into the community to present, attend conferences, and the older kids compete at tournaments. It’s for ages 6-18. I’d be happy to talk through email if you’d like. There is a Contact Form on the menu where you can email me. 🙂
Why do your younger children use Math-U-See and then you jumped to Teaching Textbook for the 6 grader?
Great question! Math-U-See requires me to grade each problem. If they miss it, I have to work it out so I can figure out where they made a mistake and help them understand it. By 6th grade, it starts to get so time consuming that I decided to switch to Teaching Textbooks which is self-grading. Now, if the older kids miss a problem, the kids can simply ask the program to work out the problem for them. They do most math without my help now (but occasionally they ask Dad!)
Thank you for your quick response. It’s good to know that Teaching Textbooks is more of a self-teach and self-grading.
Another question: why are you using Tapestry of Grace for two or three different subjects? I went to their website and only saw the history material.
History is the spine through which the other subjects are based. It’s a full literature program as well. For example, when you’re studying Ancient Greek history and geography, you are reading the Greek myths and if you choose to do the philosophy part, learning about the Greek philosophers. You would definitely do history and literature every year.
Love the idea of picking verses for the year! Gonna work on that idea today! Thanks!
Wonderful! I’d love to know which ones you choose!