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New iPads are out!

The new iPads came out today (or at least you can pre-order them today), so Apple is selling the iPad2 for only $399!  I love my iPad2 so much that I’m not even considering getting one of the new ones!


I use it every day for reading e-books, email, blogging, social media, and education.  On trips, it’s invaluable for maps, finding restaurants, checking the weather, and keeping the kids entertained with movies and games.  (My iPad has 3G.)  Check out my category Apps for Homeschool to see how we’ve used it for preparing for the Bible Bee and Geography Bee, as well as extra practice for math, history, spelling, phonics, etc.  I love it for exercising–I watch my T-Tapp videos on it and can exercise in any room in my house or when I’m on vacation!   It’s also great for homeschool planning–I put my curriculum from CurrClick on it.


I read magazines (like my favorites The Old Schoolhouse and Answers).  We watch educational YouTube videos and read classic books on my iPad.  I love reading the Bible using the reading plans through the YouVersion app.  And my boys have a wonderfully creative time making movies and stop-motion with their Legos!

Yes, it may be time for you to get an iPad!


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