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Only Today and Tomorrow: Healthy Ultimate Bundle Flash Sale


Just imagine enjoying radiant good health… waking up with high energy every single day… feeling your body grow stronger… being able to offer your family alternative ways to heal when they get everyday ailments, and supporting better wellness overall so you get sick less often.

And imagine having a resource you can turn to, like a wise mentor, as new situations arise. You won’t have to spend hours crawling around the internet to get answers. You can be confident that you understand what you’re using, and aren’t taking risks with your family’s health.

One of my favorite online companies loves to put together what they call “bundles” which is their way of saying “a crazy amount of value in one really affordable package”.

Well, they’ve brought back two of their most popular bundles, just in time to get ready for a healthy new year! The first one’s called The Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle and The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.

Let’s talk about The Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle first. This bundle has 21 eBooks, eCourses, and printable cheat sheets, many of which are written by certified herbalists, aromatherapists, health researchers, educators and more, and are extremely practical and user-friendly.

Normally you’d buy these resources for more than $400.

But with their bundle model, you pay just $29.97 – less than 10% of the retail value – and less than your copay for many routine doctor visits.

With your bundle, you’ll have access to resources that teach you:

  • a 6-point checklist to choose only the highest quality, most effective essential oils
  • the 5 essential oils you’ll want to keep on hand
  • how to give yourself an emotional lift with a special mixture of two herbs, and how you can relax and fall asleep naturally
  • how to make an immune boost tincture formula
  • a lavender scalp treatment that leaves your hair soft and shiny (and a foot scrub that leaves your skin soft and soothes jangled nerves at the same time)

Learn more or get your Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle here.

And if that sounds good, let me tell you about The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.

You sort of need to see it to believe it, but the package includes 83 digital products and it’s worth over $2,400!

For the cost of a small bag of groceries, you’ll get a complete healthy living library to help you:

  • prepare whole & delicious real food
  • get the toxins out of your house for good
  • understand and use natural remedies
  • breathe new life into your exercise habits
  • learn about important women’s health issues
  • raise exceptionally healthy kids in an unhealthy world
  • plus learn about gardening & homesteading, meal planning, weight loss and so much more!

Learn more or get your Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle here.

The only catch? These bundles are available for just 2 short days, so you need to grab yours quick!

Last day to get yours is Thursday, December 29th.

AND. . .A little birdie told me that after you buy one of these bundles, you’ll get a special offer on the second bundle, so be sure to watch for that after checkout!

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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