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Our 2013-2014 Homeschool Schedule

Homeschool Schedule


Well, after some deep thinking I’ve come up with a schedule that will hopefully make it possible to fit in all our wonderful curriculum plans for this year!  Let me start off by saying that this is not really the way I like to do things.  This schedule is going to be WAY too precise and detailed.  I love having a basic skeleton of a schedule in mind, with lots of room to play around inside it.  But that won’t allow us to complete everything this year, so I’m trying this instead–with the thought that hopefully it will only be for one year!

Furthermore, this is my “dream” schedule–the ideal.  I’m sure we will rarely, if ever, do it exactly like this!  We have quite a few “extras” that are going to mess with this schedule:  band at the Christian School (4 days a week for B, 2 days for J), violin lessons on Wednesday mornings, and piano lessons on Thursday mornings.  We might be doing a co-op on Fridays.  Our speech class is on Tuesday afternoons.  See my curriculum post for more details on what we’re using.

The schedule–from Mom’s point of view:

6:00-7:00   Wake, Bible Time, Get baby and myself ready

7:00-8:00   Breakfast for me and baby (and little ones if they’re awake), emails

8:00  Exercise

8:45  Baby to nap

9:00-9:30  Phonics lesson with R (8yrs.)

9:30-9:45  Phonics lesson with T (6 yrs.)

9:45-10:00 Phonics lesson with L (4 yrs.)

10:00-10:45  Morning Group Time  (choose from Pray, Sing, Practice Memory Verses, Jesus Storybook Bible, Answers for Kids, Science lesson, library books, SQUILT, Enrichment Studies, Art lesson)

10:45-11:15 Independent meeting with M (9 yrs.)

11:15-11:45  Independent meeting with B (12 yrs.)

11:45-1:00  Lunch, chores, blogging

1:00 Baby to nap

1:15-2:00 Afternoon Group Time (History/Geography lesson, read-aloud biography, read-aloud novel)

2:00-2:30  Independent meeting with J (11 yrs.)

2:30-3:30 Rest and Read

3:30-4:30  House chores, office work, homeschool planning, sewing

4:30-5:15 Dinner Prep

By the way, to help me with scheduling and planning, I used the book Managers of Their Homes–so helpful!


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  1. I like making this kind of schedule, too, even though I know I wont stick to the times at all. It makes me feel like at least it is POSSIBLE to fit it all in! Yours looks like a sensible way to meet everyone’s needs. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes! I know. I’m going to TRY to stick to the times!

  2. Your schedule looks great! I remember the day when I used to make detailed schedules like that! 🙂 I think it is necessary when you have a large family and lots of young kids! May the Lord bless your family and your school year!

  3. Looks like a great schedule! It’s always exciting to have a new schedule in place, ready for a new year, a new start. I’m putting the finishing touches on our curriculum details, and will be tackling our daily schedule. It’s helpful to see how others are setting up their schedules. Thank you for sharing yours.

  4. I love how it’s “From Mom’s Point of View”…I’ve never thought of doing it that way before. I like making detailed schedules, even if they don’t end up working out just-so.

  5. Thank you for posting at the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you’ll join us again this Thursday.

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