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Our 2014-15 Homeschool Curriculum Choices

I’m happy to share our 2014-15 Homeschool Curriculum Choices today! See what we’re using for my 8 kids, grades Preschool through 8th grade.

2014-15 Homeschool Curriculum

B (8th grade):

CA vacation camara full 311

Math:  Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra and Algebra I

Science: Apologia General Science

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, including discussion time at Fellowship Group, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature, including discussion time at Fellowship Group

Logic: Finish Critical Thinking Level 3 figural book, then Bluedorn books (Logic in 100 Minutes, The Thinking Toolbox, and The Fallacy Detective)

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace Daily Grams , and Cover Story and maybe Creative Freewriting Adventure

Creative Freewriting Adventure

Bible: “Jonah” Sword Study from Bible Bee, then Phillipians in 28 Weeks *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class


Music:  Band (percussion) at Christian school, violin lessons, piano lessons, maybe voice lessons with Mom

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater



J (7th grade):   J portrait Mayo-31

Math:  Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Science: Apologia General Science

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, including discussion time at Fellowship Group, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature, including discussion time at Fellowship Group

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace Daily Grams , and Cover Story and maybe Creative Freewriting Adventure

Creative Freewriting Adventure *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class

Logic: Finish Critical Thinking Level 3 figural book, then Bluedorn books (Logic in 100 Minutes, The Thinking Toolbox, and The Fallacy Detective)

Latin: First Form Latin

Music:  Band (percussion) at Christian school, violin lessons, piano lessons

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater

M (6th grade): CA vacation camara full 802

Math:  Math-U-See Epsilon and Zeta

Science: Apologia General Science

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace, Daily Grams, and Cover Story

Bible: “Jonah” Sword Study from Bible Bee, then Grapevine Studies Old Testament  *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class

Logic: Finish Critical Thinking Level 2

Spanish: Finish The Easy Spanish  *  *

Music:  Band (percussion) at Christian school, violin lessons, piano lessons

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater

R (3rd grade): CA vacation camara full 627

Math:  Math-U-See Beta

Science: Apologia Astronomy

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace

All About Reading Level 3 and All About Spelling Level 1   AAR - Symptoms of Dyslexia Checklist *

Bible: “Jonah” Sword Study from Bible Bee, then Grapevine Studies Old Testament  * ,  Jesus Storybook Bible   *

Art: See the Light DVDs *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class

Music: piano lessons

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater

T (2nd grade): CA vacation camara full 504

Math:  CTC Math

Science: Apologia Astronomy

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace

Spelling You See

Handwriting Without Tears and copywork

Explode the Code workbooks

Bible: “Jonah” Sword Study from Bible Bee, thenGrapevine Studies Old Testament  * ,  Jesus Storybook Bible   *

Art: See the Light DVDs *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class

Music: violin lessons

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes and Musicals through Spotlight Youth Theater

L (1st grade): Mayo-32

Math:  CTC Math

Science: Apologia Astronomy

History: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century history, Mystery of History Volume 4*

Literature: Tapestry of Grace 20th Century literature

Grammar and Writing: Tapestry of Grace

Spelling You See

Handwriting Without Tears and copywork

Bible: “Jonah” Sword Study from Bible Bee, thenGrapevine Studies Old Testament  *,  Jesus Storybook Bible   *

Art: See the Light DVDs *

Public Speaking: Institute for Cultural Communicators Class

Music: violin lessons

20th Century Music History/Appreciation at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Theater: Classes through Spotlight Youth Theater

I (Pre-K, 4 years): Sfzorzando String Camp 001

Handwriting Without Tears

Start phonics instruction with Mom (Alpha-phonics) 

Preschool class at Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group

Early childhood music and movement class

Listening in on read-alouds often

Bible: Grapevine Studies Old Testament  * and Jesus Storybook Bible   *


E (2 years): CA vacation camara full 119

Early childhood music and movement class


(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, labeled with * .)

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  1. Your family is beautiful! What joy they must bring you!

    Thanks for sharing your curriculum choices for each of your kids. I always enjoy seeing what others are using because it shows me a lot of new ideas that way!

  2. Michele@Family, Faith and Fridays says:

    Looks like you have a great year planned, Gena! We cannot wait to see the new MOH book! Been waiting a long time for it!

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All About Spelling homeschool curriculum, now in color