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Our Homeschool Verse of the Year & Ultimate Back to School Link Up Party

Phil 2 3-4

Here is our Homeschool Verse of the Year!  Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  

I pray that the words of this Scripture will not only make a difference in my kids’ lives, but also my own.  Yes, I am a selfish person, too, and it’s hard for me to give of myself so much every day.  But I know I am doing the Lord’s will and He will be with me!

Do you have a verse of the year?  Please share in the comments!

And be sure to join the Ultimate Back to School Link Up Party!

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  1. I love that verse! We quote it (or parts of it) quote frequently in our day to day parenting =)

  2. One of my favorite verses! Thank you for sharing so many great resources! I’ll have to share this with my sister who has recently decided to homeschool too. I’m sure this will help her a lot! Thank you.

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