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Our Week: Gingerbread Cookies, Jokes, and HooRags

What God is Teaching Us:

Philippians 4:8 says:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

I’ve been trying to help my children know that we have a choice of what we fill our minds with.  God wants us the think about things that are true, noble, and good.  That leaves out quite a lot of movies, games, etc.

I just finished listening to S. M. Davis’ presentation of “What to Expect From a 12-Year-Old.”  I have a new 12-year-old as of last Sunday and have some good ideas of where to lead him.  I’ll share more details in a future post.

What I’m Reading:

The Lily Series books Lily Robbins, M.D. and The Body Book (review coming in a week or two) by Nancy Rue for tween girls to help them prepare for issues during puberty.

Tabitha’s Travels: A Family Story for Advent by Arnold Ytreeride as our advent daily reading.

Exercise Update:

I’m sad to say I have only exercised 10 minutes this week.  Oh, so bad!  I’ve got to get back to it.  I finally got the T-Tapp Total Workout and need to start learning it!

In Our Homeschool:

At our public speaking class this week the kids presented jokes.  I’ll share them all in a post next week, but here were a few off my favorites.

Did you hear the one about the man who lost his left leg and arm?  He’s alright now.

Why is the Christmas alphabet different than the regular alphabet?  There is Noel.

Why did the orange stop in the middle of he road?  It ran out of juice.

What did the porcupines say after they kissed?  Ouch!

Why didn’t they play cards on the ark?  Noah sat on the deck all day.

And. . .

The kids made gingerbread cookies this week!


Did you see my HooRag post?



Baby News:

She’s now rocking back and forth on her hands and knees!  If she crawls by Sunday she’ll beat my oldest son’s record of crawling one day shy of 6 months old!  Everyone is rooting for her–except my oldest son!  I am, too!  It’s harder when they crawl, but I’ve been enjoying this baby so much.  I know each stage is very short-lived, so I’m really trying to savor each moment.  She turns 6 months old next week, and will be starting solids.  Time sure flies.

Extracurricular News:

Upward basketball practice started this week.

My oldest son did not make the musical he auditioned for, but is already trying to think of a song for the next audition.  🙂


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  1. The funny-I commented back that cookies don’t help {with motivation} and here you have cookies!! lol!!

  2. Oh, I thought you meant my cookies. So. . . you’ve been eating them, too! 🙂

  3. HI Gena! Thanks so much for linking – I love hearing about your weeks, and this week I got some good book selections from you, too! Glad to be getting to know you better 🙂

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