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Our Week in Review

How do we get school done when there is a very active 14-month-old who has decided he no longer needs morning naps?  Well, it’s not easy!  But he makes us laugh so much!  We call him “Ya wild kid, ya” (from Music Man).






On Friday the kids decided to do a little art with this pin I found at Pinterest.  Here are their creations.  My daughter on the right lost her tooth, too!


For our evening reading times, my husband has been reading The Hobbit to the boys and I finished Misty of Chincoteague with the girls.
We also read books about autumn, apples, and pumpkins with the younger kids, as well as doing a lapbook. (More details on that in a future post.)
In history we learned about Stonehenge, so my second son built a model of it out of Legos.


And we finally went apple picking! We were almost too late this year. I found a great family-run orchard very close to us. We bought 3 pecks! (I’ll share my trick for making them last longer in a later post.) Our apple butter is almost gone, so I’ll be spending some time making more and canning it this next week.







Finally, I Choose Joy! is now at #21 in the Top 25 Big Family Blog contest. Voting lasts only today and tomorrow. Could you take a moment to vote? Thanks!

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