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Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:  What do you think about that passage?  (Read it here.)  I’ve thought different things about it at different stages in my life.  My husband had it printed in our wedding program and said that the woman in the passage was me.  Very sweet–but we weren’t even married yet!

Now, 8 years and 5 kids later I am into the stage of where that woman was.  I do, at times, feel very much a failure and overwhelmed.  Lately, I’ve been comforted my the verse that says that she had servant girls.  Well, if I had servant girls. . .

Nancy Leigh DeMoss of Revive Our Hearts has been doing an awesome study on Proverbs 31 for the past few weeks.  I haven’t heard every episode, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll buy the series (or download it to my iPod!)

She did, however, blow my servant girl theory.  She said we have so many modern conveniences today compared to the Proverbs 31 woman that it’s equal to 100 servants! 

My dishwasher broke down a few days ago and we don’t get the new one until Wednesday, so I’m experiencing a little bit about those conveniences.  It’s been years since I’ve had to wash dishes!  It takes a lot of time!  And makes my fingers all wrinkly!

Well, I still have the goal to become a Proverbs 31 woman, one whose husband trusts completely in her, who works hard all day, whose husband is respected in the city gates (because she’s doing what she needs to do to help him) and whose husband and children will rise up and bless her!

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  1. jabbabean says:

    I heard the part about the servant girls, too! If you get the series I'd love to borrow it! As far as the whole failure thing, well I look at you as a good example a lot!! You are so calm, always smiling, and look at all the things you do! Wow!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! You might learn more about me than you want to!! Ha, ha! I do think Bible reading is the absolute most important! So, maybe you can hold me accountable for that?

    See ya' Thursday!


  2. HoldingOntoHim says:

    that I have been reading your blog and quite enjoy it.

    I have been doing alot of studying on becoming a better helpmeet for my DH and I think there is a site that you would also like that I frequent quite a bit.

    Keep up the great writing!


  3. castlekids says:

    I have a cross stitch of this verse with little people on it that my Granny made for me. It's a discontinued pattern but I found a link for one on ebay. Here is a short link to it –

    It's always a challenge to be like that example. I have heard that it is a composite of an ideal.


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