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Putting CHRIST in Christmas

Putting CHRIST in Christmas

[Today we have a guest post “Putting CHRIST in Christmas” from Alvin Gan.]

For many of us, Christmas is our favorite time of the year. Everywhere we go, we are greeted by the lively melodies of Christmas carols, the sugary fragrance of Christmas cookies, and the delightful sights of Christmas decorations and lights.

Putting CHRIST in Christmas

The hustle and bustle of shoppers buying gifts for their loved ones (and the anticipation of receiving Christmas gifts) makes the season especially exciting. But between putting up the Christmas tree, wrapping all the Christmas presents, preparing Christmas dinner, and all this in addition to the daily demands of work and family, it is easy to get carried away and forget that Christmas is really all about Jesus!

Putting CHRIST in Christmas

Christmas is not about Santa Claus or Christmas trees. It’s not just about eating amazing food and having a good time. Christmas is the day we remember the birth of Jesus and celebrate God’s special gift to us all! And God does not want us to keep this good news to ourselves, but to “go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere” that Jesus Christ is born.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Christmas Games

One great way to bring Jesus into your celebrations in a manner that is fun and non-threatening is through games. Bible Games Central has a collection of delightfully fun Christmas games for kids and adults that can help you introduce the Biblical story of Christmas to your family and friends.

Putting CHRIST in Christmas

Christmas Trivia

One such game is their unique Christmas Trivia game where all the players are involved at the same time. For each round of questions, there is one Answerer and one Asker, while the other players are Guessers who have to guess if the answer is right or wrong. Printable Christmas Trivia Questions and a Christmas Trivia Board are provided on their website.

Christmas-Trivia game

Christmas Trivia Board:

Before you begin, place the Christmas Trivia Cards on the Board according to the listed categories.

Here’s how the game works:

  1. The Answerer first rolls the dice. This determines the question’s category:

(1) From the Bible

(2) Christmas Carols

(3) Christmas Movies and Books

(4) Christmas Foods

(5) Random Facts

(6) Answerer gets to choose


  1. The player on the left of the Answerer is the Asker. The Asker draws a card from the appropriate pile and reads the question out loud. If there are no more cards in that category, the Answerer can choose from any of the remaining piles.


  1. The Answerer then places his/her token on the Christmas Trivia Board to indicate his/her answer. Answerers are not allowed to change their answer once their token is placed.


  1. After the Answerer has placed his/her token, the question becomes open to the Guessers. Guessers have to decide if they agree or disagree with the Answerer and must place their tokens on the Bible Trivia Board accordingly. (Player should all have unique tokens to avoid confusion.)


  1. After all the Guessers have placed their tokens, the Asker reveals the correct answer.


Answerers get two points for the correct answer, while Guessers who guessed correctly are awarded 1 point.


Bible Trivia

Bible Games Central also a Bible Trivia game based on the same rules. Printable trivia questions in 5 categories are provided: (1) Easy, (2) People & Places, (3) How Many, (4) Old Testament, and (5) New Testament.


For more fun and engaging activities head over to Bible Games Central. Most of the games there are provided free and covers a wide range of Scripture passages and topics.

Bible Games Central

Guest Contributor Bio: Alvin Gan

Alvin Gan is the father of three noisy (but lovely) teenagers and the founder of 2 websites that provide creative evangelism and discipleship resources. specializes in unique child evangelism tools and resources to help convey the plan of salvation for kids effectively. develops Bible games for youths, kids, and even adults to teach spiritual truths.

Putting CHRIST in Christmas

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