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Review: Bacon Pro to cook bacon in the Microwave!

Bacon Pro- cook bacon in microwave!

Does your family like bacon? Mine does! We love it for Sunday morning breakfast and BLT sandwiches in the summer with our home-grown tomatoes. But, I really dislike cooking it. My husband almost always does the bacon cooking around here. So, when Kelly wrote to offer us a Bacon Pro to do a review of, I jumped at the chance!

The Bacon Pro is a microwavable bacon cooker.  It’s all in one piece and is made of BPA and Melamine-free plastic. It’s so cool!

Bacon Pro

You won’t have to baby-sit it while the bacon cooks, which is one of the things I most dislike about cooking bacon on the stove-top. The other thing is getting oil pops and burns. That won’t happen when it’s cooking in the microwave!

There is a handy cook-time calculator on the Bacon Pro website. You put in your microwave wattage, thickness of bacon, and number of slices you’re cooking.  You should get it perfect (nice & crisp) the first try.   

I had a little trouble with it simply because I couldn’t find out exactly what wattage my microwave is. (It was already installed when we moved into the house. I searched online but couldn’t get a definite answer.) But we got pretty close, and then I just added 1 more minute a couple of times.

Place the bacon around the Bacon Pro. I fit 15 slices around the outside. You can also place them around the center, so it can cook 20 pieces at once.

Bacon Pro with bacon

Place paper towels over the bacon.

Bacon Pro with paper towels


When the bacon finishes cooking, it’s curved over. But you can just use tongs and lay it flat on a plate while it’s still hot if you don’t like curved bacon. 🙂 It turned out really good! The only thing I noticed is that maybe it’s a bit less salty and greasy since the paper towels soak some of it up and it’s not cooking in the grease. But, this would be a benefit for some people!

Clean up wasn’t hard. I immediately wiped out the microwave since some grease popped around in there. The Bacon Pro itself is dishwasher safe. Woo-hoo! I just poured the grease out into a pickle jar (what we always do with bacon grease). It has a slit and handy pour spout in order to do that. Then, I washed it on the bottom rack.

The Bacon Pro would be an awesome gift to get someone this Christmas!


(Disclosure: I received a complimentary Bacon Pro and monetary compensation for writing this completely honest review. Affiliate links are used in this post.)

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