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Review of Egglo Entertainment Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs

Egglo Review
Today’s review is from Egglo Entertainment.

We received Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs and The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure (book).

We also got The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure (book audio download, also know as Adventure Audio Book), Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls, and The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide (Curriculum).

Age Range: This product can be adapted to work with any age, but is ideal for roughly ages 4-13.

Egglo Review

We did quite a few different things to prepare for this review. Keep reading to see if these products would be an asset to helping your family understand more about Christ’s resurrection this Easter or if you’d like to use it with a group such as a Sunday School, homeschool co-op, or outreach for the community!

The first thing we did was put together the glow-in-the-dark plastic Easter eggs. There were 12 in the box: a dozen eggs! 🙂 They are the same size as typical plastic Easter eggs, and you can fill them with candy, Scripture cards (included in the Program Guide), or anything else you’d like! We charged them up by putting them out in the sun for a couple of hours. Then after the kids cleaned up the basement we had our Easter egg hunt down there at night when it was dark. It was suggested that the kids have flashlights or glow sticks while doing the egg hunt as an added safety feature (won’t run it to each other, for example).

The eggs don’t glow extremely brightly. It’s really a fun idea, and works in great with the teaching that Jesus is the Light of the world that I’ll expand on more later in the review. But I do wish they glowed brighter. I wonder if it might be neat to have battery lights or something to make them brighter. Nevertheless, my kids had lots of fun searching for them. They did it over and over!

Egglo Review

 photo gloweggs-1.jpeg

(Photo credit for above glow-in-the-dark picture: Tiffany Cones)

I really loved the book called The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure by Darcie Cobos. It’s paper back and 39 pages long. The illustrations are wonderful! The story tells of 3 children who are sent through time on a sort of treasure hunt. They are discovering glowing Easter eggs (see a theme here?) and learning new Bible verses which they immediately find ways to apply to their lives. What I liked the best was to see how the selfish kids grow through their experience and become more like Jesus by the end of the book. It’s a fairly long story and was enjoyed by my elementary-aged kids. It was too mature for my preschoolers and too young for my middle-schoolers.

Band concert, Egglo Eggs 014

Band concert, Egglo Eggs 015


Band concert, Egglo Eggs 016

We also received the audio version of the story The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure on MP3, so the kids could listen to the story when I wasn’t able to read it to them.  It’s 30 minutes long and read by Dick Wells.  There are little chimes to let the child know when to turn the page and some music on the audio track.

I found that The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide was very thorough and will be an extremely valuable asset for anyone planning an Easter egg hunt outreach at their church or home. You’ll find 60 pages which includes How to use the Guide, Tips for Decorating, Snack Suggestions, Devotion, Opening Activity, Story Options, Question & Answer, Bible Application Activity, Tips for Using the Story The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure, Bible Memory Verse Activity, and Egglo Hunt Guidelines.  There are also many pages of printable invitiations, decorations, posters, and coloring pages!  The theme of the event is Jesus is the light of the world and the reason we celebrate Easter.  Every activity, devotion, Scripture verse, decoration, game, and even the snacks relate to the theme.  We made a couple of the food items which would be nice for a snack table. Here are “torches” with pretzel sticks, marshmallows, and sprinkles. We sang “This Little Light of Mine” holding those. Next we had mini bagels with cream cheese and cucumber slices to represent the empty tomb.

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Finally, we received Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls.  This were small plastic and paper scrolls with a Scripture verse.  These are the perfect size for putting inside the Egglo eggs.  See below for pictures and examples of the verses included.

Egglo Scripture Scroll 1

Egglo Scripture Scroll 2



Egglo Review

There is a sale on the Egglo products right now!

*Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs ($9.99)

*The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure($9.99)

*The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure (book audio download, Adventure Audio book) ($2.99)

*Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls ($4.29)

*The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide (Curriculum) ($14.99)

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