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Review/ Giveaway “Duck Commander Devotions for Kids”

Duck Commander Devotions for Kids Review

I have a great book to review and give away today:  Duck Commander Devotions for Kids by Korie Robertson and Chrys Howard, illustrated by Holli Conger and published by Tommy Nelson.

I’ve been reading a devotion a day to my kids (ages 4-9)  for the past few weeks.  We’re really enjoying this book!  Each of the 104 devotions is on two pages.  You’ll find a little story (often relating to someone from the Duck Dynasty crowd and usually funny) that helps to explain about the lesson from Scripture to be taught that day.  Then there is a short prayer to pray and a “Duck Commander in Action” which gives an action step or application to put the lesson into practice.

Now, we have never watched the show, only seeing a few snippets here and there.  But the Robertsons are still famous, and we were able to learn about them through this book.  They’re funny and God-honoring.

I love the lessons taught and the practical “Duck Commander in Action” applications.  The illustrations are really fun, too!


Here is an example: One devotion is titled “The Bible, Our Powerful Sword.”  The Scripture is from Hebrews 4:12 “God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than a sword sharpened on both sides.”  The lesson tells about Uncle Si who had a cup with him when he was fighting in a war in another country.  The cup reminded him of home.  He kept it close to him.  But the Bible is even more important and we need to keep it close to us always so we can use it as our weapon against Satan.  The action step is to say Psalm 18:1 “I love you, Lord. You are my strength” out loud 10 times and then to make a sword out of paper and write the verse on it.

Duck Commander Devotions for Kids is hard-back, 224 pages, with a blue ribbon bookmark.  See inside the book here.  It’s for ages 4-8.

Here is a Promo Video about it!


Now, Enter on the Rafflecopter app below to win a copy of Duck Commander Devotions for Kids! The winner will be chosen in February 18 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tommy Nelson in order to write this honest review.)

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  1. Yes, love watching it and the family sitting around the table praying at the end of each episode!

  2. My kids would love this devotional !

  3. Lauren A. says:

    Yes, Duck Dynasty is so funny! It’s one of those shows that’s safe to watch with your family that everyone enjoys.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway, yes we have seen the show, old ones, they are funny.

  5. Kaden would love to add this to his devotional collection….Sales people at Family Christian book store know us by name because he goes in there so much. He loves reading his scripture!

  6. Vicki Geslak says:

    We watch Duck Dynasty as a family and follow the “news” stories and use it as a teaching tool. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Jamie Hammel says:

    Yes, we love Duck Dynasty. I love that the family sticks to their beliefs and morals, we enjoy watching it as a family.

  8. Ashley Elaine says:

    My family loves Duck Dynasty, we actually took a trip to Louisiana to visit their building but of course they were gone.

  9. Brittany M says:

    We watch it all the time. It’s one of the only shows are whole family enjoys watching together. My son would love this!

  10. We have not watched Duck Dynasty often but are familiar with the show. I have three children and we love to do a daily bible reading with a devotional discussion. This would be a welcome addition!

  11. Dana Matthews says:

    I love Duck Dynasty! Have been a fan since the beginning!

  12. Yes our family has seen Duck Dynasty. We enjoy watching it.

  13. Tamara A. says:

    Duck Dynasty is our weekly family show. We have family fun night where one of the kids pick dinner & a game and we watch the show. We love how it’s “safe” to watch according to our values & standards And the children love how funny it is. It’s wholesome entertainment with a valuable lesson at the end which we always end up discussing or relating to. That’s yet another reason we love it!

  14. My kids would love this book!

  15. Julie Waldron says:

    Yes, I’ve watched it but not in quite awhile. I need to start watching again.

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