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Review of Little Book of Great Dates: 52 Creative Ideas to Make Your Marriage Fun

Today’s review is of The Little Book of Great Dates: 52 Creative Ideas to Make Your Marriage Fun by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley.

Dating shouldn’t end when you get married.  I love all the fun and very creative date ideas you can find in this little book.  What you’ll find here are different themes, such as holidays (New Year’s, Valentine’s), special anniversaries, being community-minded, and even double dates!  When you’ve been married a long time (15 years for us), the dates can get a little boring.  We usually just go out to dinner and then the grocery store!  I can use a little help!

Each of the 52 Date ideas begins with a quote, an explanation of the theme, the activity choices, and questions.  Here’s an example:  The “We’re a Team” Date has you going to a karaoke club and singing a duet together, taking ballroom dancing lessons, or hosting a game night with other couples where each married couple works together as a team.  Then there are some questions you can discuss together such as, “What are some famous teams you admire?  What about these famous teams is inspiring?  What are some practical steps we can take to ensure that we’re always working as a team?”

Or here’s the “Sprucing Up the Nest” date:  Do a project around the house together such as painting a room, putting up wallpaper, or installing carpet.  “Turn what could be a mundane chore or looming responsibility into a fun chance to connect.”  And there are questions to discuss for this date, too–“What special memories do you have of your living space as a  child? How important is our home environment now to creating good memories for us and our children?”

I’ve already gotten so many new ideas for my husband and me to try:  playing laser tag, composing music, or taking a cooking class!  I’m going to keep this little book handy and refer to it often as we enter our next 15 years of marriage!

Have fun by taking this Date Night Challenge:

(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in order to write this honest review.  This post also contains affiliate links.)

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