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Review of Exertools DynaDisc Balance Cushion

DynaDisc Cushion review


I’m excited to review an exercise product today: Dyna Disc Balance Cushion !

When it arrived, there were no instructions with it, so I did what anyone would do–Check YouTube!  I found all kinds of different ways to use it.


The exercise I’ve done the most this week is one to strengthen the back while sitting on a chair:

Here’s one for beginners.  I tried some of these this week.

Here are a couple for advanced users.  There is no way I could do these yet!

This next one is great for my boys–tossing a ball while balancing on the disc:

I was grateful that I also received a hand pump.  I’ve adjusted the air pressure different ways to see what works the best.  And I found a video which told me how to pump it up!


So, here’s my review.  I like this balance disc and will keep it and continue using it.  I’d like to gain more balance and continue activating more muscles than I usually do.  My kids will be using it as well.  They love walking by it and testing out their balance.  I love that it’s inexpensive (less than $30) and takes up practically no space.  I’ve been keeping it on my computer chair!  I can see how using a balance disc is similar to T-Tapp’s focus on the T-Tapp stance–you’re activating far more muscles using the stance or by balancing on the cushion.  There are some balance exercises on the TappCore DVD which I haven’t tried yet.  I did use the balance cushion with 3 other TappCore exercises, though:  Butterflies, Chest Press, and Shoulders.  It was hard–I’ll have to keep working on it.

There is a YouTube channel from ExerTools so you can see how some other products may be used.  Be sure to check out the Exertools website.  I can see a lot of great uses for Homeschool P.E. there!

(I received a Balance Cushion and hand pump from ExerTools in exchange for this thoughtful and honest review.  Post contains affiliate links.)

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One Comment

  1. Dude, how did you get exercise stuff to review??? I have NEVER been asked, no matter how many posts about exercise I have had. *pouting* This looks cool!

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