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Collage Friday- Public Speaking and Legoland

What God is teaching me:

I feel like I need to start with this one because I’ve been so convicted this week about being anxious.  The Scripture that we’re memorizing this week as a family is Phillipians 4:6-8.   God tells us to be anxious for nothing.  One of my most common times to get anxious is when we’re going someplace.  I don’t like to be late, but it’s so hard to get 8 children anywhere on time, especially with decent clothes, shoes, coat, etc!  I usually end up extremely frustrated.  God is telling me to quit being anxious about being on time!


What we’re learning:

Even though Rhetoric is the third part of the trivium, and my kids are all still in the first part, I’m so grateful we’ve found an awesome public speaking class to be a part of .  It’s called the Institute for Cultural Communicators.  We meet together almost every week.  The kids have a new assignment each time and get up in front of the group to practice their public speaking.  This week they each did a “How-To” speech.  Here are their topics (from oldest child on down):  How to Give a How-To Speech, How to Play Paintball, How to Make Brownies, How to Get Ready for Soccer, and How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.  See pictures below of them practicing with their visual aids.


Where we went:

This week we went on a field trip to Legoland Discovery Center.  They had a special homeschool rate, so we got in for less than half price!  Also, the place was practically empty.  There were only about 50 kids there, and we were the only ones in our Race Car Workshop.  One of the rides scared my 2-year-old, so he keeps walking around saying, “I scared Lego-Man!”



Ended this week:

Spotlight drama class ended on Monday with the 4 oldest kids performing in a fun showcase. Their last soccer practice was Wednesday night, followed by a pizza party.  And the last soccer games are tomorrow.  Yeah!  But basketball starts up soon. . .

Another outing:

We went shopping for our Operation Christmas Gifts today.  I’ll share about that in a separate post next week.

What we made:

Lego Brick and Minifigure Crayons–post coming about these on Sunday.  I guess it was a Lego week–I also posted about my son’s new Lego table.  🙂



Exercise I did:

Still barely T-Tapping along–I really need to step it up, but can’t get myself motivated.  I did use a new piece of exercise equipment this week called a balance cushion.  A review of it will be coming tomorrow.  (I really liked it!)

Coming up next week:

My mom from California is coming for a visit.  She’ll be here until just after Thanksgiving.  We’ll be doing school next Monday and Tuesday and then will stop out formal studies until  November 26!  Instead, we’ll be going on field trips, playing games, getting prepared to audition for a musical, making some new recipes, and working on Christmas music to perform!


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  1. What a fun week you guys had!! 🙂 Loved the photos and the activities!! Stopping by from Faith-Filled Friday, have a blessed day!!

  2. Hopping over from the Homeschool Mother’s Journal!

    LegoLand looks like fun. Enjoy your visit with your mom. I miss living close to my mom and always look forward to our time together.

  3. Love the numbered shirts for the field trip. What a great idea to keep track of kids! Those lego crayons look pretty fun too.

  4. What a fun week! Loved the legos your kids made.
    God bless you 🙂

  5. Wow that looks like a fun week. My Dad lives right by Legoland this post makes me think maybe we should go and have some fun!

  6. First of all…love the lego crayons! How fun!

    Also, I think that speaking class sounds great! Is it made up of just homeschool kids, or anyone? Are all the kids in the same class or are they divided by age? At some point I’m going to have to look for fun things like that in my community =)

    Thanks for linking up to Trivium Tuesdays!

    1. It’s an organization called Institute for Cultural Communicators ( Our class happens to all be homeschoolers, but it doesn’t have to be. I love that it’s for ages 6 and up. They’re divided by which level they’re in. We’re a brand new chapter, so we’re all in the same level, except for the teenagers who did an accelerated version this past summer so that they could be our student leaders right now. You should start a chapter where you live!

  7. What a fun week for you all! There definitely was lots of Lego learning 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Favorite Resources.

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