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Review of Fast Transcripts Homeschool Transcript Service

Fast Transcripts Review
Disclosure: I received a one-year trial of Fast Transcripts and monetary compensation in order to write an honest review of it. I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Today I’m happy to review Fast Transcripts homeschool transcript service.

Fast Transcripts

As you may know, a high school transcript is important to have as soon as your student graduates from high school.  It will be important if they go immediately to college (or if they change their mind and go years later!)

So, you need to take the time to get it done now while they are in high school.  I’ve been trying out Fast Transcripts, and the homeschool transcript service is extremely fast and easy to use.  It has some handy features (such as calculating GPA and telling you how many credits you need for each type of class depending on the goals your student has after high school.

Fast Transcripts-sample

How to Use Fast Transcripts Homeschool Transcript Service

The first thing you do is fill in the basic information such as student’s name, school name, address, and email. Then you will add in the academic information for each high school year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). It asks you the year, course title (such as Algebra I), grade, and credit (.5 or 1.o). After adding in the grades, it will calculate the number of credits and the GPA.

The Fast Transcripts form allows you to change the grading scale (for example 93-100 for an A instead of 90-100 for an A).

There is a Miscellaneous box to include “notes pertaining to the above listed courses.” This is a place where you can list items such as community college courses, previous schools attended, SAT scores, clubs, etc.

And finally, there is a place for your signature. You may download your transcript as a pdf which can be used for various places. I’ve needed a transcript for my kids’ jobs, academic clubs, and driver’s ed. You can also print yourself or order a professionally printed transcript!

The Fast Transcripts website has a thorough FAQ section.

My Favorite Parts of Fast Transcripts Homeschool Transcript

I have 4 favorite parts of Fast Transcripts:

  1. It automatically calculates the GPA for you as you continue to fill in grades for each completed class.

2. It gives you suggestions for what classes the student should possibly have and a suggested title for the class.

Fast Transcripts suggested subjects to take
Fast Transcripts suggested titles of classes

3. On the side, it gives suggestions of the classes a student should take for three different tracks: General High School, General College Prep, and Rigorous College Prep. How many of each subject (4 English, 3 math, 2 foreign language, etc.) are included.

Fast Transcripts: suggestions of the classes a student should take for three different tracks: General High School, General College Prep, and Rigorous College Prep.

4. Finally, I love that this homeschool transcript service gives suggestions for what classes could count for each subject. For example, I hadn’t thought of a public speaking course counting for an English credit.

Fast Transcripts: What-classes-for-General-High-School

Free Trial of Fast Transcripts Homeschool Transcript Service

They offer a FREE 30-day trial!  So head over to Fast Transcripts and start your free trial.

And, here is a free GPA Calculator you can use.

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