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Review of “The High Calling” weekly e- newsletter Christian Blog Network

Today I’m happy to share with you a review, not of a book, but of a weekly e-newsletter.  It’s called “The High Calling” and it’s purpose is to provide everyday conversations about faith, work, and God. is an online community founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work.

Their website says, “Honoring God in our daily work is much more than just doing the right thing, at the right time without exceeding the budget. Work itself should be a testimony to our Creator.”

In general, every week they promote an audio message from Howard Butt, several articles from The High Calling, a new video from The High Calling, and several community articles from around the community and other important sites.  They are active on Facebook as well.

The articles are a mixture of categories such as faith, culture, work, family, attitude, and leadership.

As I was reading through the articles, I was pleasantly surprised to see that several were written by a college friend of mine, Dena Dyer!  I especially loved her article here.

As printed on their website–   The Mission of THC: seeks to create opportunities for Christian leaders to encounter God through new media tools for the transformation of daily life, work, and our world. Christian leaders are in all aspects and activities of daily life—including home, community, leisure, as well as occupation.

Overall, I would say that while I enjoyed reading the articles in the e-newsletter, I wouldn’t say that they really applied that much to me personally.  I believe the newsletter would be most helpful for Christian men and women who work for a living, either inside or outside the home, including homeschool moms who have another “job” in addition to teaching their children.  I am confident that the newsletter will help you in your working life as you strive to be more like Christ.
Check it out and see if it’s something that would inspire and encourage you to integrate your faith and work!

(Disclosure:  I received an Amazon gift card in exchange for a thoughtful and truthful review.)

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