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Review/Giveaway “Born From the Heart” by Berta Serrano


Today’s book review is BORN FROM THE HEART By Berta Serrano, Illustrations by Alfonso Serrano.

I can’t tell you what a precious and heartwarming book this is! If you have adopted or are planning to, you will want to get this one to share with your child!

BornFromTheHeart interior

“Rose dreamed of her baby every night . . . She couldn’t wait to share hugs and giggles.”

Rose always knew she wanted to be a mom, and every night she dreamed of having her own family. One day, a wise doctor gave Rose and Charlie a magic recipe to become parents. The effects of the potion were instantaneous! As soon as Rose drank the potion, she felt a new sensation in her chest—it was a baby!

Rose and Charlie jumped for joy and anxiously waited to meet their little angel. At night, Rose would dream of her baby’s sweet face and loving smile. In the morning, she would be busy preparing a lovely room for the baby. With every passing day, Rose’s heart grew bigger and bigger— until one day, it burst with happiness, laughter, and wonder and Rose finally kisses the beautiful face of the new baby she loved from the very first heartbeat; her very own son.

Born From the Heart is a beautiful parable that celebrates the richness of family and a mother’s desire to embrace and nurture a child—even if she didn’t give birth to that baby. First time author Berta Serrano and her brother Alfonso Serrano are the author-illustrator team behind Born From the Heart, a warm and quirky love letter for Berta’s adopted son.

See the book trailer here:


Berta Serrano, a native of Bilbao, left Spain in search of something new. She found a source of inspiration in New York City, and decided to stay. She received her Masters in Art from New York University and has worked in the art world since. Berta lives with her husband and son in NJ.


Artist Alfonso Serrano, a former art director at Saatchi & Saatchi, has won many international awards, including a Bronze Cannes Lion Award at the International Festival of Creativity (2007). His work has been exhibited at the Reina Sofia Contemporary Art Museum. Alfonso’s main sources of inspiration are his wife and his son, Alfonsete. They live in Bilbao, Spain.

I’m happy to share a giveaway of Born From The Heart.  The winner must be in the U.S.  Please enter through the Rafflecopter app below.  The winner will be chosen on October 19 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of Born From the Heart in order to write this honest review and participate in a blog tour.)

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  1. Holly Mitkowski says:

    Yes, My cousin.

  2. I am so excited to have found this book! My husband and I are in the process of adopting and I would love to get this book to read to our adopted children.

  3. We have friends who just adopted and I would love to give them this book.

  4. Kayla Rice says:

    One of my very sweet best friends!

  5. Nicole Lancaster says:

    I would like to share this book with my niece who is in the process of getting adopted from foster care.

  6. cassandra says:

    i would love to give this to my niece.

  7. Jennifer A. says:

    My husband and I hope to adopt soon (once he’s finished with graduate school), so I hope to share this with our future adopted son or daughter! 🙂

  8. liz tetley says:

    Id share this with our kids 🙂

  9. We adopted our precious son just 9 1/2 short months ago. He is such a joy every day! He loves to read books with us.

  10. I have this book and am actually taking it off our shelf. I wasn’t comfortable with it at all!

    1. I would love to know why, Kelly. I haven’t adopted, so I’m sure I have a different perspectvie than those who have.

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