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Curriculum Review: Friends and Heroes DVD and Homeschool Curriculum

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Friends and Heroes is a new company I have recently been introduced to. We received a DVD and a CD-Rom Homeschool curriculum to review. Specifically, it’s the Friends and Heroes Unit Study #1.  Normally, this set costs $29.99, but there is a sale in January for 20% off!

The DVD contains a 25-minute story called “Long Journey”. It tells the story of a family living in Alexandria, Egypt as Christians soon after Jesus returned to Heaven. There are 2 young girls who are refugees from Israel and were sent by their father to stay with Macky and his family in Egypt. However, the Romans who are the rulers don’t want them there. They are continually being chased and trying to escape. Macky and his dad talk about two events from the Bible: Daniel and the lions den to remind them to have courage, and Jesus helping the disciples catch a lot of fish to remind them to have faith in the Lord’s power.

My younger kids watched the DVD twice and enjoyed it. They learned about loyalty, courage, and standing up for what is right. The animation graphics are pretty good. You can watch a preview of this story here:

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I was impressed with the Homeschool Curriculum. It’s on CD-Rom, so you can print out the pages you choose–student and teacher pages. There are 3 chapters, and each contains a variety of activities that could easily take a few weeks to complete if you did them all: History/Geography, Creative Writing, Bible Study, Science, Craft, and One-on-One Time! You can also adapt or choose activities for different children according to their academic level.  Here are a few of the activities my kids (ages 5, 7, 8, and 10) did.

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Above you read the review for Unit Study 1. There are also Unit Studies 2 – 13 which go along with the corresponding episodes on DVD. There is also a Series 1 Homeschool Pack available which includes all 13 Series 1 episodes on DVD plus a CD-ROM with the curriculum for all 13 unit studies.

Here’s the special deal:

·         20% off all Friends and Heroes Homeschool Resources

·         10% off all other Friends and Heroes resources with curriculum

·         10% off all Friends and Heroes Home and Family DVD Collections

 The offer begins Jan. 1 and ends Jan. 31, 2014.

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the Friends and Heroes Unit Study #1 in order to write this honest review. This post also contains affiliate links.)

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  1. wow looks very interesting. I love that they give churches a free trial to try out for themselves before they purchase. I may look into this!

  2. Looks like a wonderful curriculum! Great pictures 🙂

  3. Julia Cosgrove says:

    You can save three different ways on Friends and Heroes resources.

  4. Thank you, Gena for hosting every week! Always find something new and encouraging. I appreciate the opportunity to share here!
    This Friends and Heroes unit study looks great. It’s fun to see new products out there.
    Also wanted you to know there is a new Freebie/Giveaway linky party beginning this week at HomeschoolSurvival(dot)com. It closes Friday night I think. You might want to share this over there.

  5. I love the way that they have online activities and games that correlate with the lessons. I could see a lot of learning happening with it 🙂

  6. Danielle Cordeau says:

    I learned that they are a USA and Canada store that offers a whole variety of homeschooling needs. They have things to offer for Schools, families, churches and more. They have a very well lay out website.

  7. I love that they’re available in so many languages! My dd spoke Mandarin as her first language, and we try to continue to expose her to it so that it will be easier for her to pick it up again later, should she choose to re-learn it. One of the best ways we do this is through kids movies in Mandarin.

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