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Review/Giveaway of “Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon”, Imagination Station Book #11


Wow- we’re up to eleven Imagination Station books now!  Today’s review is of Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon by Marianne Hering and Wayne Thomas Batson, published by Focus on the Family.

The basic storyline is that a dragon is supposedly attacking the people of a town in Libya during the Middle Ages.  Cousins Patrick and Beth travel back in time in Odyssey’s Imagination Station and meet 2 kids from the town.  They go with them and work with others to kill the threat while fighting to keep themselves alive.  It is based on a story of Sir George and the Dragon, where Sir George (Georgius in this story) is a Roman soldier, not the more commonly thought-of English knight.

My 9-year-old daughter read it to herself and enjoyed it.  She doesn’t like scary stories, and this wasn’t too much for her.  It’s a chapter book, but on a easier reading level than most books. I then read it aloud to the next 3 kids (ages 8, 6, and 4).  They enjoyed hearing it as well!

I will say that I preferred some of the earlier Imagination Station books more–the ones that retold Bible stories or events from famous Christian missionaries or heroes of the faith.  I suppose you could think of Georgius as a hero of the faith, but he’s a legend, possibly not even a real historical person, so it’s not the same.  However, Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon is another great book to add to your Imagination Station collection!

See here for my other Imagination Station reviews:

Books 8 and 9 

Blog Tour Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5


The publishers have a copy of  Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon to give away to one of our readers! Please enter to win through the Rafflecopter app. (Click through to the website if you don’t see it here.)  The winner will be chosen next Saturday, May 4, 2013 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. This is perfect timing as we just finished #10!!! LOVE these books!!! I have gifted them to my nephew also.

  2. This would be perfect for my son for next year when we get to the Middle Ages! If it’s too difficult for him to read on his own, I would just use it as a read aloud. Thanks for the opportunity!

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