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Review/Giveaway of Shadow Chaser by Jerel Law


Shadow Chasers by Jerel Lewis the third book in The Son of Angels: Jonah Stone Series–be sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post today!  Even though I haven’t read the first 2 books, it was easy enough to follow along with what was happening in this third story.   The basic premise is that there is a group of kids who are quarterlings.  They are ¼ angel because they have a parent who is a nephilim.  You can read about the nephilim in the books of Genesis and Numbers.*  We see these kids going through different adventures while in Angel School.  I think the book series is a “Christian” answer to Harry Potter and the like.  It would be best for tweens and teens.  There is a lot of fighting and some scary scenes, like fighting a behemoth, demons (fallen angels), and Satan (Abaddon)—so please determine if your kids are ready for this type of book.

What I liked:  The main character Jonah goes through a “Job” experience where Elohim allows Abaddon to do things to him to test his faith in God.  Here is a great scene between Jonah and Camilla, one of the angels:

 “I just want to know what’s going on.”

“You are being tested, Jonah.  There is no doubt about that. . . Your decision, in the midst of all the uncertainty and pain, is how you are going to respond.  What will you do when pushed to your limit, and then beyond?  Will you turn toward Elohim with everything you have, or turn away?  That is all in this life you really can determine anyway.”

“That’s it?” Jonah didn’t like hearing that things were out of his control.  That there was nothing he could do to fix his problems.  He also knew, though that as much as he didn’t like it, those words were true.

What an excellent lesson for our kids (and us!) to learn!

What I didn’t like:  Some of the quarterlings are girls.  They are learning battle techniques and fighting the fallen angels just like the boys.  I think it is a trend to have this sort of thinking in our society today, and it’s desensitizing us to the fact that God did not make girls/women to be the fighters.  Women should not be in combat.  That is a man’s job.

And realistically, are there any “female” angels?  I don’t remember reading about them in Scripture; they are all male. And the nephilim is a very bizarre event.  I doubt they are still around, and really doubt that there could be anything like “quarterlings.”


I have a copy of Shadow Chasers to give away.  Enter through the Rafflecopter app.  (Click through to if you don’t see it here.)  The winner will be chosen on July 7, 2013 and will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure:  I received a complimentary copy of Shadow Chaser from Thomas Nelson Publishers in order to write this honest review.  This post also contains affiliate links.)


* The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.  Genesis 6:4

And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”  Numbers 13:33


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  1. I think we would keep this book. My son is pretty advanced with his comprehension. I would have to flip through it first. Of course since he is not a strong reader I would also be reading it. If not a good fit I have older nephews I would give it to

  2. We would keep it and then search for the others in the series! My 13-year-old is really into Christian fantasy and we’re always searching for new books.

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