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Revolutionary War unit study and lapbook

Revolutionary War Lapbook


After Colonial Times, we started studying the Revolutionary War.  We didn’t get to much into battles, since my kids are so young, but my oldest son read about them a bit.

Here are the books we read:

Johnny Tremain

How to be a Revolutionary War Soldier (Ratliff)

Annie Henry and the Secret Mission (Olasky)

Annie Henry and the Birth of Liberty (Olasky)

Buttons for General Washington (Roop)

Land Battles of the Revolutionary War (Smolinski)

Boston Tea Party (Furstinger)

Growing up in Revolution and the New Nation (Miller)

…If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution (Moore)

The Declaration of Independence (Bodden)

Mr. Revere and I (Lawson)

A Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson (Adler)

Give Me Liberty: The Story of the Declaration of Independence (Freedman)

The Boston Massacre (Ready)

A Picture Book of Patrick Henry (Adler)

Can’t You Make Them Behave King George? (Fritz)

Nathan Hale:  Revolutionary Hero

Ben and Me (Lawson)

Revolutionary War on Wednesday (Osborne)

Drive Thru History DVDs

My 9 yo son did notebooking, while the 8 yo did a lapbook.  We got the lapbooking print-outs from Fortunately for You Revolutionary War Mini-Book and  A Journey Through Learning’s “An Overview of the 18th Century.”

Here are some pictures:

Below is how I attach the lapbooks into the Yearly Portfolio Notebook with duct tape:

Revolutionary War lapbook from Revolutionary War lapbook from Revolutionary War lapbook from Revolutionary War lapbook from Revolutionary War lapbook from Revolutionary War lapbook from


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  1. Is this A Journey Through Learning’s 19th Century Lapbook or their Revolutionary War Lapbook. I am having a hard time choosing between the two. I will be covering both but would like to go into the Revolutionary War in more detail. Just curious if you remember which product you purchased.

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