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School Schedule: 2007

Here is the schedule I have come up with.  We’ll see if it’s possible in a couple of weeks!

6-8 a.m.   Get up, shower, dressed, breakfast
8-9 a.m.   Chores  (if they finish early, they can play)–clear dishes, empty dishwasher, brush teeth, fold clothes, practice violin
9-9:45  Bible Time  (baby naps until 10:00 or 10:30)
9:45-10:00  Older kids handwriting/ copy work  (younger kids break)
10:00-10:15 Younger kids handwriting, not everyday  (older kids break)
10:15-11:00  Daily changing activity:
Monday–violin lessons for older 2 kids (actually from 10 a.m.-12 noon)
Tuesday–Musikgarten (actually from 9:15 a.m.- 10:40 a.m.)
Wednesday–Math activity
Thursday–Unit study hands-on activity (such as lapbook)
Friday–Art activity
11:00-11:30  Read-aloud of library books
11:30  Lunch
12-1 p.m.  Lunch chores and break (computer time or bake bread for me)
1:00  Put babies down for nap; phonics for older 2 kids; they read aloud to me; read poetry, history and novel(s) to the 3 older kids
2:30  Older 2 kids to their room for quiet time.
2:30-3:30  My quiet/ nap time (3 yo stays with me)
3:30-4:00  Chore time/ training  (once a week–Nature Study 3:30-4:30)
4:00-4:30  Free time/ play outside
4:30  “Clean up before Daddy comes home” chores/ dinner prep (one kid each day helps me)
5:00  Video (not every day)
5:30  Dinner
6:30  Baby to bed, then younger kids, then older kids
9:00  I head up to bed (of course, it’s 9:33 right now as I write this!)
10:00  Lights out for hubby and me


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