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Sewing Curtains

I really love sewing and wish I had more time and energy to do it!  But I do what I’m able to.  Here are some curtains I’ve made through the years.  I still need to make some for the kitchen, family room, and basement.

These are in the girls’ room.  It’s a sheer fabric with embroidered butterflies.


This is the boys’ room–it’s kind of a camoflauge/ forest pattern:


The kids’ bathroom:


with matching shower curtain.? (This looks like?a pieced quilt, but the fabric came that way.)


I love this one!  It’s in the small kid’s room.   I lined this one with black-out fabric.


Here is my master bath.  It’s a very open room.  We often have kids going in and out while we shower, so I made these curtains to give us privacy.  They attach with suction cups so I can easily take them off to clean the glass.  A funny story happened when I went to buy this fabric a few years ago.  I measured and decided I needed 9 feet of material.  However, when I bought it, I bought 9 yards!  I try to blame it on pregnant brain.  I was pretty upset when I realized my mistake, but then I found other uses for the extra.


I made these covers for the french doors that lead from our master bath to the sitting room (where the baby sleeps).


Here is a valance in the sitting room.  And I also made a valance for the bathroom window.  There was enough fabric, still, to cover a chair in the girls’ room.  And I think I might make some pillows!


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