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Spring Break = Project Week

This is our spring break.  I’ve been looking forward to it and dreading it for weeks! Why dreading?  Because my main goal for the week was to go through all the kids’ clothes.  It is such a a stressful activity for me, because usually what happens is that I’ll spend hours putting the clothes in different piles; then the toddler will come in and mess it all up in a matter of seconds.  Well, that didn’t happen this time, and I finished ahead of schedule!  The girls were done Monday, the boys Tuesday, and today I’m finishing up washing and storing the winter gear and will go through all the shoes this afternoon.

Finishing ahead of schedule means that I got to start on my other project.  I’m making a rag picnic quilt, large enough for our whole family to sit on.  It will be denim on the back and flannel on the top.  I’ve decided not to fill it, so sewing it up should be quicker than I originally planned.  Is it possible that it could be ready for Saturday’s soccer games and picnic?  Well, we’ll see!

(I really should do one more job while we’re off school this week: clean out both refrigerators.  But I really don’t want to! )

My oldest son still had band practice this morning, and we ran a couple of errands afterward.  We went to Joann Fabrics to pick up some more denim for the quilt, candy melts for making candy for my son’s birthday party, elastic for a nursing cover I want to make, and a cute fabric for a car-seat cover.  Next stop was a resale shop where I found soccer shoes for my littlest girl (we had just resigned ourselves to letter her wear tennis shoes), a cute ballet costume, and a Chicago Bulls t-shirt for my oldest.  Then we picked up 6 donuts for $.75 at a nearby bakery (too good a deal to pass up, and they were delicious!) and the movie Rio from the library.   Last stop- my OB for check-up.  Baby and mom are doing great at 30 weeks and counting!

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