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Top 10 Reasons to Use Encompass Preschool Curriculum to Homeschool Preschool

Do you have a little one at home you’re getting ready to homeschool preschool with? Then, you’ll love the 10 reasons to use Encompass Preschool Curriculum to homeschool preschool. If I still had a preschooler at home, this is what I’d use!

Top 10 Reasons to Use Encompass Preschool Curriculum to Homeschool Preschool

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What is the Encompass Preschool Curriculum?

Encompass Preschool Curriculum is a 26-week curriculum intended to guide a preschooler through basic developmental and educational skills expected of a 3 or 4 year old including, but not limited to, fine and gross motor skills, music, art, math, Bible, recitation, literacy, and cooking skills. By the end of this curriculum a preschooler should be able to recognize all basic upper and lower case letters, numbers 1-20, basic shapes, basic colors, time to the half-hour, U.S. coins, his/her full name, and demonstrate basic reasoning skills. In addition, a preschooler will have the opportunity to memorize several well-known poems and nursery rhymes as well as Bible verses and character studies that will have a life-long impact on their behavioral development.”

~Kathy Gossen of

Encompass Preschool Curriculum by Kathy Gossen

Top 10 Reasons to Use Encompass Preschool Curriculum to Homeschool Preschool:

  • Price

I am absolutely amazed that you get so much (477 pages, printed paperback book) for such a low price! There are 26 weeks of lessons for your preschooler. You can use it once a week for a year, or be more relaxed and spread it out over two years if you like.

  • Ease

Kathy’s goal was to make it as easy as possible for the busy homeschool mom. Maybe you have a baby as well as your preschooler–or you might have older kids that you’re homeschooling as well. Everything is laid out in an easy-to-follow, open-and-go manner. And, there are only four days per week, for an hour at a time. You’ll find this curriculum one of the easiest you’ll ever use!

  • Very little prep 

Kathy also wanted to make it so that there isn’t much prep work involved. In fact you can do the entire thing with no prep work if you’d like to! All pages are meant to be written on, cut, etc. No copies to make! One thing I would do if I were using it, is find the suggested picture books and order them from the library a week or two in advance.

  • Unity

Each week is structured in the exact same manner. This makes it a comfortable routine for both teacher (homeschool mom) and child. It starts with A Week at a Glance, which shows you on one page: the letter, number, and shape of the week, as well as the Bible verse and poem.

The second page is the Parent Checklist which gives

  • Read Aloud Suggestions
  • Extra Items Needed
  • Snack Ideas
  • Song Suggestions and
  • Field Trip Suggestions.

Next comes Day 1 – Day 4 lessons with worksheets.

Check out this fun five senses preschool craft!

  • Variety

Even though every week has a different letter, you aren’t always doing the exact same things. Some worksheets are included every single week, but others are different each week! For example, in Week 19 there is a color by number Snowman, in Week 20 there is a USA puzzle, and in Week 26 there is an alphabet maze.

  • Kids will love it!

I know that preschoolers will love the many different activities included in the curriculum, from songs and games, books and painting, eating snacks and going on field trips.

  • Moms will love it, too!

Moms will love the confidence it gives them in teaching your preschooler. You don’t need to have gone to college to learn how to teach. This curriculum is based both on educational research and personal experience, so you know you’re teaching your kids the best things they need to learn at their age.

  • Field trips

The field trips are optional, but will make the curriculum even more fun for all! Suggestions include visiting an apple orchard, strawberry patch, animal shelter, fire station, police department, post office, or bakery; or ride on a boat or a train.

  • Songs

As a music teacher,  I love that songs are included! You don’t have to know how to sing or teach your kids music, do do this part of the curriculum. Just find the YouTube video of the suggested songs, listen, and sing along!

If you’d like another option for preschool songs, check out my online course 10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Know.

10 Songs All Preschoolers Should Know is the perfect online course to bring some music into your homeschool or preschool! #homeschoolmusic #preschoolmusic #musicinourhomeschool

  • Memorization

Each week your child will be memorizing a Scripture verse, letter of the alphabet chant, and more (such as a poem or nursery rhyme)! Why is memorization so important? Kathy says, “Research shows that a child who has memorized 8 or more nursery rhymes by the age of 4, will most likely be the best at reading and spelling in their class by the age of 8.”

  • Free Sample of Encompass Preschool Curriculum

Would you like a peek inside to see if the Encompass Preschool Curriculum is right for you and your child?

Click here for a free sample of Encompass Preschool Curriculum.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Encompass Preschool Curriculum to Homeschool Preschool

  • Where Do I Go From Here?

I love that Kathy answers the question, “Where do I go from here?” at the end of the curriculum. If you aren’t sure what to do next after you’re finished.

  • Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?

Kathy also includes a huge list of milestones that you’ll want to see if your child has reached before starting kindergarten. Of course, if you’re homeschooling, you can continue to work on each of the skills even after starting kindergarten since every child develops at his or her own pace. Some of the skills include writing their name legibly and buttoning buttons.

The I Choose Joy Homeschool Planner 

Get the now undated I Choose Joy Homeschool Planner at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here:

I Choose Joy Homeschool Planner 2022-2023

Both Sunday weekly start and Monday weekly start calendar pages are included. Undated so you can use for ANY year!

Also, find pages for

  • Homeschool Priorities
  • Homeschool Family Traditions
  • Homeschool Curriculum Budget
  • Meals of the Week
  • To-Do List
  • Party Planner
  • Acts of Kindness
  • 12 Days of Giving
  • Advent Traditions
  • Gift Ideas

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  1. Thank you Gena! I have had this book sitting in my Amazon cart for over a year as I try and decide if it would be a good fit for my preschool age grandson. You helped me with your opinion and after seeing the sample pages you provided, this is really what has sealed my decision to buy it. Very helpful and appreciated!

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