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Studying whales and walruses with YouTube

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We’re studying ocean animals this year and have found YouTube to be a great resource!  Here are my Top Ten favorite whale and walrus videos.

(By the way, the picture above was taken by me of a beluga whale at the Shedd Aquarium–one of my favorite places!)


Young Humpback Whale Breaching

Swimming With Sperm Whales

Spyhopping Killer Whales

Lobtailing humpback whales

Beluga whale giving birth


News Reports about Humphrey from 1985.  He’s a humpback whale who mistakenly swam up the Sacramento River.

 Killer whales attack and kill minke whale (a little graphic)

And a couple of my favorite animal:  The Walrus!

Walrus and mommy

Walrus exercising


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  1. YouTube can be an excellent resource! Thanks for sharing all of your favorites at Favorite Resources.

  2. Ohh, bookmarking this! My kids will love the videos. Thanks!

  3. Homeschooling is so much easier these days than it used to be, isn’t it? Or maybe it’s harder since there are SO many resources =) I’m not sure. Either way, thanks for sharing these with us at Trivium Tuesdays!

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