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2012 Summer (Homeschooling) Plans

The kids will be finished with our homeschooling year as soon as the baby is born–will be sometime today through 19 days from now!  We’re already finished with science, history, and Bible Study Fellowship.  With most other subjects, I just give them the next book whenever they finish throughout the year (math, grammar, logic, handwriting, phonics readers, etc.), so we can stop those now and start up again in the fall.  The only book I’m requiring my oldest boys to finish right now is Latin.  They should be done sometime in June.

I saw this neat summer plan on Pinterest yesterday.  The mom came up with a list of “Must Do Daily Activites” which are to be completed before they do their own thing each day.

Here is what else we have planned for the summer:

Bible Bee daily Bible Study using their Sword Study (20 minutes a day) and memorizing 2 verse passages a week

Typing – my three oldest will work on typing skills using this website

Instrument lessons/ practice – piano for B, J, and M; violin for B, J, and M; drum lessons for B and J; saxophone for B

Math fact practice for 3 oldest

Daily reading lessons for R and T

Arts and crafts projects

Week-long Sports Camps – Upward Basketball for B and J, softball for B, LifeSports (basketball for M and R, Royal Warriors for B and J)

Theater Camp – CYT for M and R

Library and store reading programs – everyone read alone (or be read to) for 30 minutes daily

New Chores to learn

Summer Olympics lapbook, by A Journey Through Learning, only $1 at CurrClick

Vacations – to in-laws’ lake house and a family trip

And all of this while enjoying our new addition to the family!


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  1. Gena, are you teaching the kids their instruments or are they taking private lessons.

  2. We have private or group lessons (with another teacher) for all except I do teach piano to my oldest son!

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