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T-Tapp Update and Special Deal

I’m still plugging away with my T-Tapping about 4-5 times a week.  (I’ll give a run-down of how much I’ve lost next Monday.)  It really is the only exercise I’m motivated to do.  Why?  I can easily fit it in to my life–homeschooling and parenting 8 kids is very time-consuming!  I don’t want to waste a single minute doing any exercise that isn’t doing something for me. What I want is to activate 5 or more muscle groups with every single move and get aerobic exercise without jumping around.  That’s what T-Tapp does!  I get a lot of exercising accomplished in only 15 minutes a day!  (See the end of this post for info on the 15-minute workout.)

If you’re ready to give it a try, there is a great deal today (Deep Discount Tuesday):

Purchase the Healthy Hormone Super Set for only $55.00 and FREE SHIPPING!

The Healthy Hormone Super Set includes the following items:

  • (Old Label) Ladybug Workout DVD–66 minute combo: 40 minutes standing, 26 minutes floor.   The Ladybug Workout is designed to help females build better hormonal balance, glucose control, and mental clarity for easier menopause management and less PMS.
  • Gentle Transitions–a highly concentrated form of the extracts from Klamath Lake blue-green algae. People using Gentle Transition report sleeping better, feeling more energy, thinking clearer, having less dramatic mood swings, and just generally having a better outlook on life!
  • Premium Blended Alfalfa–does so much for you, you just have to read about it!
  • Healthy Hormones Brain-Body Fitness Seminar DVD–T-Tapp provides a safe, efficient, and fast way to help bring hormones back to balance. Viewers will see how easy it is to just start moving and quickly it will make a difference.

Retail Value – $106.40, today it’s $55 and shipping is free!

Details about each product are found at the website under Deep Discount Tuesday.  Yeah!  I need some healthy hormones.  What about you?

Woman's Fitness YouTube Side Banner

When I was first introduced to T-Tapp, I was confused by all the different names of the workouts, so you may be, too.  The best DVD to start with is the Basic Workout Plus.  It includes a full instructional (the exercises need to be done with correct form in order to get the most out of them) and the famous 15-minute workout! Of course, you don’t have to start there. The Ladybug workout above would be great, too! If you can’t do the full 66 minutes, just do what you can do! I highly recommend reading the book as well– it explains what’s different about T-Tapp and why it works so well!


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