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Tapestry of Grace Giveaway!

Tapestry of Grace Giveaway. Choose your own Year-Plan!

If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you know that we LOVE the curriculum Tapestry of Grace. It’s big and encompasses all age levels studying the same time period together. So, my kindergartener is learning about Greek Myths when my high schooler is. There are 4 Year-Plans which cover history and literature together. Traditionally, April has been the month that Tapestry has celebrated the birthday of the lead author and founder of Tapestry of Grace, Marcia Somerville. So, here you go: a Tapestry of Grace Giveaway!

Between now and April 17, you can begin participating in Tapestry’s annual drawing.

(Update: the giveaway is over.)

Here are the rules of this drawing:

  • Those who are not yet in our database as customers (meaning, you have never made a purchase from Lampstand Press) are eligible to enter.
    Those who are already Tapestry customers are eligible to SPONSOR entrants.
  • Entrants (newcomers) should create a Store account (if you don’t already have one) and then add this FREE ticket to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  • At checkout, ENTRANTS should look for the “comments” section. There, type in my name “Gena Mayo” as the one who shared this giveaway with you–that will make me eligible to win if you win!
  • The drawing will be held on April 18.

What can you win?

There will be three winners from the ENTRANTS! They will be drawing for “loaded” DE Year-Plan (digital edition which is my favorite version!) of the winner’s choice. This means that you get not only the year-plan, but also the Map Aids and Evaluations that go with it!

Why is this giveaway so special this year? Well, Marcia has formally entered into retirement and is enjoying life with her grandchildren, her horses, and her church family. Her role as the President of Lampstand Press has passed to Marcia’s son, Mike. He has been actively involved in Lampstand Press for several years now. One role of his has been as the primary author of Tapestry Primer. Plus, he brings his experience as a Tapestry graduate, a homeschooling dad, and a businessman. Exciting things are happening to Tapestry of Grace.

I am thrilled that Tapestry of Grace has been a part of our lives for these last 2 years.

Be sure to enter this easy contest to win a full-year curriculum! Let me know if you have any questions!

See all my posts about Tapestry of Grace here:


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    1. You’re welcome, Rachel. Someone I referred actually win last year! Maybe you will this year!

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