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Ten Things to do from age 10-12

My oldest is now at the Later Knowledge Level, according to the book “Teaching the Trivium” by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn. So, we’re adding some new subjects to his curriculum this year.

(To see the article “Ten Things to do Before Age 10”, go here.)

1. Family Worship
Some of this is accomplished through our Family-Integrated Church. (See our website here.)

2. Literature and Reading Aloud
This will include memorization of poems and speeches and interpretive reading. We’re going to see if we can work Gavel Club into our schedule.

3. History
We’re starting at the beginning again this year, and will go through the time of Christ’s resurrection.  He will keep a history notebook with map work, notebooking, and copywork.

4. Composition
Copywork, dictation, narration, journaling, writing letters, writing stories and poems.

5. Spelling and English Grammar
We’ll use Simply Grammar (Andreola) and Daily Grams (Phillips) for grammar. He’s a great speller, so I’m not planning on using anything specifically for spelling.

6. Latin and Greek
Latina Christiana 1 for Latin. No Greek studies at this time.

7. Early Logic
Building Thinking Skills, book 2.

8. Arithmetic
Delta and Epsilon from Math-u-See

9. Science
Zoology 1 (Flying Creatures), projects with our co-op.

10. Art and Music
Art (drawing) at our co-op. Violin lessons. Band (clarinet) at Christian school.

Other: Bible Study Fellowship (studying Acts and the Epistles), P.E. (including soccer, swimming, and basketball), Bible Bee, Geography Bee

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