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The Best Children’s Book Explaining Conception to Birth I’ve Seen

I’d love to share a review with you today of the children’s book by Danika Cooley called Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth. It’s really the best children’s book explaining conception to birth that I’ve seen!

What I love about this book is that you can read it to your children to help them understand where they came from and how special they are. They learn about all the neat things that happened to them in their development in the womb. You can read it to your child simply to teach them about how babies develop in the womb, or it’s also a great idea to read it when you are pregnant with a younger sibling!

Two really wonderful parts of the book are that it is filled with Scripture and that it shares the gospel message by explaining about being “born again”–the story of Nicodemus.

There is only one thing I don’t like about the book, and that’s the illustrations. It says that the illustrator Jeff Anderson has over 30 years experience working in comics and graphic novels. So, his illustrations are more of that type–which isn’t my favorite. 🙂

Wonderfully Made book

Danika has also made some free lapbook materials that you can use while you’re learning about the different things that happen in the womb. You can download the free lapbook at Danika’s site:

Wonderfully Made Lapbook

She also has some other nice freebies and a great Bible curriculum!

Author Bio:

Danika Cooley is a married mother of four, a grandmother, a blogger, a curriculum developer, and a writer. She homeschools her two youngest children in Oregon. Danika’s three-year Scripture survey for preschool to high school, Bible Road Trip, is used across the globe.

Wonderfully Made From Birth to Conception book review

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