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  1. OldSchoolMarm says:

    I have so enjoyed reading down through your entries. You have beautiful children and I am so impressed with the lapbooks! We love going to museums too. Blessings and have a wonderful summer, Julie

  2. I would love to learn to can food, but I don't think I am ready to take on anything new yet. I hope it goes well for you. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I did post the Water Story tonight, so go check it out.

    It looks like yall have a lot of fun with your school time, I want to get to that point, I love the idea of lapbooking.

    Do you have a schedule at your house or do you go by routines? What do you do with all the little kids while doing school with the older ones?

  3. rvnurse2b says:

    Don't know how to can…my Mom was never that type:)

    But I DO like the title of your blog, and I will probably return to read more later!

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